Disability/Accessibility Interest

Panel: Breaking Barriers: Accessibility as a Growth Strategy for Small Business

Jueves, 5/8/2025
1:00 - 3:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

Contact Telephone

The San Francisco Disability Business Alliance (SFDBA) and accessibility advocates will discuss how inclusive practices contribute to small business success. With 1 in 4 individuals in the U.S. living with a disability, accessibility is more than compliance—it’s a growth strategy. Panelists will share how inclusive physical spaces and digital products can expand customer reach, increase revenue and demonstrate the return on investment of accessibility. The discussion will also cover legal requirements and practical steps for integrating accessibility into daily operations. 

Andre Le Mont Wilson is the Small Business Program Manager at Ability Now. Through this role, Wilson manages, coordinates and assists half a dozen small businesses operated and owned by entrepreneurs with disabilities. 

Joshua Klipp is an attorney, disability access advocate and the Principal, Founder & Certified Access Specialist (CASp) of Made Welcome. Made Welcome offers accessibility consulting and solutions for workplaces, local governments and event planners.  

Michael Hingson is NY Times best-selling author of Thunder Dog: The True Story of a Blind Man, His Guide Dog, and the Triumph of Trust. Blind since birth and a survivor of the 9/11 attacks, Hingson delivers keynote speeches globally and hosts the Unstoppable Mindset Podcast. 

Eli Gelardin has over 21 years of experience in disability rights, advancing accessibility, equity and inclusion. In 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed him to the California State Rehabilitation Council. Gelardin now serves as Director of the Mayor's Office on Disability. 

The San Francisco Disability Business Alliance (SFDBA) helps individuals with disabilities achieve economic self-sufficiency through small business ownership and entrepreneurship. SFDBA offers business development support, guides system navigation and advocates for policies that create equal opportunities, ensuring the Bay Area benefits from the diversity, expertise and innovation of entrepreneurs with disabilities. 


SFDBA – Website | SFDBA – LinkedIn | SFDBA – Instagram 

Andre Le Mont Wilson – LinkedIn | Andre Le Mont Wilson – Ability Now Website

Joshua Klipp – LinkedIn| Made Welcome – Website

Michael Hingson – Website | Michael Hingson – LinkedIn

Eli Gelardin – LinkedIn

San Francisco Disability Business Alliance logo

Provide support to both aspiring and existing small business owners to boost their entrepreneurial skills and success.

Events for adults and children with disabilities, their families, friends and allies.

Founded by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce in 2004, San Francisco Small Business Week celebrates local entrepreneurs with events, workshops and networking opportunities to help them connect, learn and thrive.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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