Author: Kelly Goto in Conversation

In partnership with Chin Music Press and the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington
Sábado, 2/22/2025
2:00 - 3:30
Chinese Center Exhibit Space - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
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Through the vivid lens of storytelling, Seattle Samurai: A Cartoonist’s Perspective of the Japanese American Experience brings to life the resilience, honor and quiet defiance of immigrants navigating their new world. Author Kelly Goto captures the spirit of her father Sam Goto’s long-running comic strip, Seattle Tomodachi, weaving together tales of Japanese immigrants in the Pacific Northwest and their enduring legacy for future generations.

This beautifully illustrated book invites readers to explore the immigrant journey—its struggles, its triumphs and its quiet moments of perseverance—through the unique lens of Bushido, the samurai code of ethics. The stories reveal not just history, but lessons for today and tomorrow, as told through Sam Goto’s poignant, often humorous, cartoons. Join us for an engaging conversation with Kelly Goto about her parent’s mission to preserve cultural history, passing it on to the next generation, and the power of art to shape identity. The event will explore the intersections of family, culture and storytelling, illuminating a part of American history that is often overlooked but deeply relevant.

Books will be available for purchase. Signing after the event. 

Limited copies will be available for purchase on site, courtesy of publisher Chin Music Press and the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Washington (JCCCW), with proceeds supporting their programs.

About Kelly Goto
Kelly Goto is an author, designer, and advocate for storytelling that connects culture, history, and the human experience. A former Bay Area resident, she now lives in Seattle, where she leads gotomedia and gotoresearch, driving innovative design and research initiatives that bridge human-centered design with cutting-edge technology. Her work reflects a deep commitment to cultural preservation and accessibility. Inspired by her father Sam Goto’s dedication to capturing the Japanese American experience through art and storytelling, Kelly’s latest book, Seattle Samurai, honors his legacy while inspiring the next generation. 


Kelly Goto - Website | Seattle Samurai Book - Website | Chin Music Press - Website | Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington (JCCCW) - Website

Weaving Stories: Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Interest
Connect with AANHPI heritage with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.

Weaving Stories is the Library's celebration of the many diverse histories and cultures from Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Japanese community and culture.

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