
Performance: Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies

Tricycle Music Fest
Sábado, 10/19/2024
3:00 - 4:00
Marina Back Courtyard

1890 Chestnut Street
San Francisco, CA 94123
Estados Unidos

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Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies has been brewing hand-crafted progressive funk with sweet, caramelized ear-candy and subtle, nutty reggae overtones, filling a void on the children’s music scene since 2014. 

With colorful hair and wacky costumes, bandleader Josh Friedman has brought new energy to the Bay Area children’s music scene with 2017’s My Purple Fox featured in Afternoon Snack, the band’s original children’s TV show, which took home that year’s national Hometown Media Award for Best Community TV Show by an Independent Producer. Their sophomore album, The Something of Love, in 2018, earned a Tillywig Top Fun Award and National Parenting Product (NAPPA) Award. The group’s 2019 release, Something’s Brewing… It’s Halloween!, a Latin rock and free jazz adventure; setting a new standard for sounds to lift spirits during spooky season. 

The band’s live shows range from interactive musical performances at festivals or school assemblies to intimate acoustic accompaniment at benefits and other private events. While starting out primarily as a progressive funk-rock outfit with as many as twelve band members, Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies most often features Josh Friedman (vocals, ukulele), Kristen Cardiasmenos (guitar), Brett Warren (bass), and Justin Markovits (drums). Over the years, the quartet has evolved the band’s sound into a unique blend of progressive funk, playful dance-pop, and cheerful reggae with complex, percussive instrumentation and wholesome lyrics that center around themes such as kindness and respect. 

Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies — Website

Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies — Instagram

Purple Fox and the Heebie Jeebies — Soundcloud 

Learn more about Tricycle Music Fest at SFPL TMF — Website 

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