Author: Nicole Cuffy in conversation

On the Same Page, Jan./Feb. 2025
星期二, 2/4/2025
6:00 - 7:00

A not to miss conversation with On the Same Page author Nicole Cuffy, author of the striking debut novel Dances. In this insightful story, 22-year-old Black ballerina Cece Cordell reaches the peak of her career as the first Black principal dancer at the New York City Ballet. However, amidst the glare of the spotlight, Cece grapples with personal struggles, including fraught family relationships, a broken romantic connection and the disappearance of her older brother, Paul.

As she navigates the pressures of her newfound fame, Cece makes a life-changing decision to journey to South Carolina to find her brother, while reclaiming the parts of herself lost in the relentless demands of ballet. Dances explores the intersection of race, identity and artistry, offering a poignant exploration of the costs of artistic pursuit and the vulnerability of the dancer's life.

Nicole Cuffy's novel is a lyrical exploration of freedom, identity, and the complexities of success. Written with grace and deep insight into the ballet world, it offers a captivating window into the mind and body of a ballerina navigating the challenges of family, race, and career.

Nicole Cuffy is a DC-based writer with a BA from Columbia University and an MFA from the New School. Her work has been featured in The Master’s Review Volume VI, Chautauqua, Blue Mesa Review, and The New England Review. Her chapbook, Atlas of the Body (Black Lawrence Press), was a finalist for the Black River Chapbook Competition. Dances was published by One World Random House in 2023, and her forthcoming novel O Sinners! will be released in March 2025.



Nicole Cuffy - Linktree | Nicole Cuffy - Instagram 

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