Celebration: Year of the Golden Snake

2025 金蛇开运中外艺术家海外迎春送福
星期六, 1/25/2025
2:00 - 4:00
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Celebrate the Year of the Golden Snake with talented calligraphers from China! Watch as they write the character "Fu" (福, meaning "blessing") on-site and distribute printed "Fu" characters to attendees, spreading wishes for a prosperous and blessed New Year. 


This event is jointly organized by the San Francisco Public Library Chinese Center, Jiangsu Chinese Painting Academy, Jiangsu Federation of Overseas Chinese International Cultural Exchange Promotion Association, American International Traditional Culture Development Foundation, American Chinese Painting Academy, Northern California Jiangsu-Zhejiang Association, National Association of Jiangsu-Zhejiang Fellow Townsmen (General Chamber of Commerce), and the North America Zhi Gong Association.

此活动由三藩市图书馆华裔中心及江苏省中国画学会,江苏省侨联国际文化交流促进会,美国国际传统文化发展基金会,美国中国画学会,北加州苏浙同乡会,全美苏浙同乡总会(总商会),北美致公协会 共同合作。

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