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Workshop: Fix Your Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs

星期三, 10/16/2024
2:00 - 3:30

In one powerful workshop, learn how to audit your digital presence with hands-on help from an expert with years of experience in digital marketing. 

To prepare, please have the following ready before the workshop: 

  • Website admin (preferably on WordPress). 
  • Meta Business Suite (go to to set up your ads account and page). 
  • LinkedIn account (with a proper profile filled out– see as an example). 
  • Google Analytics account (ideally with your lead/conversion tracking in place). 
  • Twitter account with credit card added for ads (since we will boost posts). 
  • A phone from the last 2 years (ideally an iPhone). 

Dennis Yu is a former Yahoo search engine engineer who optimized ads and analytics across search and social platforms. He’s taken his passion for digital marketing and turned it into training to create good jobs for aspiring digital marketers. Yu’s personal mission centers around mentorship. He teaches from his experience helping people from all walks of life grow their expertise in digital marketing, and he shares his insights from managing campaigns for The Golden State Warriors, Nike and Rosetta Stone.  

Dennis Yu has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fox News, CNN, CBS and co-authored Facebook Nations—a textbook taught in over 700 universities. He is the CEO of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults.  

The San Francisco Small Business Development Center (SBDC) provides expert no-cost advising and workshops to guide small businesses to success. They work hands-on with entrepreneurs and business owners to address challenges, seize opportunities and help grow their client’s bottom line. You can sign up for no-cost one-on-one advising. For upcoming workshop information, look at the San Francisco Small Business Development Center's upcoming trainings on their events page.  

Sign up for the SBDC's newsletter.  

Disclaimer: The information provided in this webinar and any supplementary materials provided are intended for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute professional financial or legal advice. By registering for this workshop, you accept and agree to the disclaimer and that under no circumstances shall the named parties be held liable for any claims, losses or damages arising out of or in any way related to the information provided in this webinar and/or the registrant’s use of or reliance on said information.  

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An ongoing series of virtual programs focused on supporting job and career seekers, personal finance needs and small business resources.



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