Performance: The Art of Tea with Guqin Music 霜露古琴音樂茶會

A partnership with San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society & Asian Cultural Heritage Exchange Association 
星期日, 10/20/2024
1:45 - 4:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

This event is full 此活動已額滿

Chinese tea culture has a long and rich history, tracing back thousands of years. Tea art, as a significant expression of tea culture, embodies people's love for tea and their attitude towards life. Through tea art, people can gain a deeper understanding of traditional Chinese culture, including profound aspects of social interactions and etiquette. The pursuit of tea art is not just about enjoying the taste but, more importantly, finding inner peace and seeking a state of harmonious coexistence with nature. Chinese tea art is not merely a technique but also a unique way of life and a philosophical concept. 

This tea workshop will combine tea culture with Chinese oldest Guqin music, offering everyone a unique visual, auditory, and gustatory experience. 

Tea and light refreshments will be provided. Space is limited. Reservations required. Please click register or call 415-557-4430. Seats are on a first-come, first-served basis

Non-profit organizations: San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society & Asian Cultural Heritage Exchange Association




活動將提供茶和簡單茶點, 座位有限,需報名,請點擊註冊或致電 415-557-4539 報名,座位先到先得。

本次活動將由非牟利機構:三藩市琴簫協會,亞洲文化遺產交流協會 共同承辦 


Coral Liang plays the Guqin and Xiao. She received her Master degree on bilingual education in 2019. She started her music study at the age of three and later took up the Chinese bamboo flute when she was six. She has also studied erhu, and guzheng. With more than 20 years of experiences in musical performance, she received awards at competitions in China and internationally. In recent years, she and her friends established the San Francisco Guqin and Xiao Music Society. This is a non-profit music organization primarily focused on promoting Chinese traditional culture, with a focus on instruments like the Guqin and Xiao. They serve the San Francisco community through activities such as music education, hosting concerts, music lectures, and cultural art festivals. 


Lisa Liao, a seasoned fashion magazine publisher and an esteemed cross-border art exhibition producer, stands out for her dedication to cultural education and heritage. As the Head of the Cultural Output Program at the China Cultural Relics Exchange Center, she has played a pivotal role in cultural preservation and exchange. Her efforts in teaching and sharing this heritage underscore her commitment to cultural education and appreciation, making her a valued figure in both educational and community settings. 


Ziying Zhao, a guqin performer in the United States, is a member of The Global Outstanding Chinese Artists Association and the World Chinese Musicians Association. She has achieved top honors in prestigious international music competitions.  

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Chinese American community.

Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.

Discover new flavors, build cooking skills and try something tasty. For food programs, please be aware of food allergies.



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