Workshop: Introduction to Music Studio Recording with SFJAZZ Digital Lab

星期三, 10/16/2024
4:00 - 6:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Join acclaimed musician and producer Jef Stott for an insightful class covering the basics of recording instruments and vocals in home and professional studio environments.  Jef will discuss different microphone types, illustrate best practices for audio signal flow, mic placement, and audio editing techniques to get your studio recordings sounding great. This is a great class to begin the journey into audio recording.   

Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 557-4388.


Jef Stott is a recording artist, producer and educator. Stott has released several full-length albums and dozens of remixes to critical acclaim, and had commissions and scores in major motion pictures, TV, modern dance, theater and video games. Stott has extensively toured the world as a DJ and live performer. As an educator, Stott has taught audio production at universities, trade schools and community centers throughout North America. Stott has been the Program Director and Lead Instructor for the the Digital Lab at SFJAZZ since 2013. 

Connect: Jef Stott - Website   

SFJAZZ is the largest non-profit jazz presenter in the world. Originally founded in 1983 as a two-day festival, SFJAZZ now serves over a quarter of a million fans and students every year through its year-round concert, commissioning, and education programs. 

Connect: SFJAZZ WebsiteFacebookYouTube  | Twitter | Instagram | SoundCloud | Spotify 

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