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Performance: The Jazzy Ash Trio

Tricycle Music Fest
星期六, 10/26/2024
3:00 - 4:00
Ortega Meeting Room

3223 Ortega Street
San Francisco, CA 94122

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Jazzy Ash invites the whole family to come along on a Crescent City inspired, jazzy music adventure with her band the Leaping Lizards. She’s a talented and prolific songwriter as well as a musical treasure hunter, highlighting traditional songs, rhythms and rhymes that have been handed down by African-American children, adults, and musicians for generations. 

Her latest album, Good Foot, pays homage to the solid gold sounds of Black American music in the 1950s and 1960s. From Motown to doo-wop, rock-and-roll and touching on the early days of funk, Jazzy Ash has tapped into the soul of these music genres. With her signature powerful vocals, rock solid musicianship and good old fashioned fun, Jazzy Ash truly engages audiences of all ages.

Ashli St. Armant is also known for her award-winning work in children's education and entertainment, including the creation of NORTH The Musical, which premiered in 2022. Commissioned by Lied Center of Kansas, Chandler Center for the Arts, Segerstrom Center for the Arts, and Playhouse Square, NORTH follows the journey of a precocious teenage boy named Lawrence and his young mother, Minnie, as they escape the Deep South and travel North through the Underground Railroad, to seek their freedom. NORTH is based on actual accounts of slave escapes through the Underground Railroad network. 

She is also a celebrated author and well known for her Audible mystery series, Viva Durant, which includes New York Times bestselling story, Viva Durant and the Secret of the Silver Buttons.

Jazzy Ash – X

Jazzy Ash – Facebook

Jazzy Ash – Instagram

Jazzy Ash – YouTube

Jazzy Ash – Soundcloud

Learn more about Tricycle Music Fest at SFPL TMF — Website 

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