Book Launch: There at the End–Voices from Final Exit Network

A 20-Year Retrospective
星期二, 10/22/2024
6:00 - 7:00
Koret Auditorium
Koret Lobby
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Explore the powerful and poignant journeys of those who have faced end-of-life decisions with dignity and the compassionate volunteers who have guided them.

There at the End book cover

An evening celebrating the release of There at the End: Voices from Final Exit Network—A Celebration of 20 Years. This unique anthology offers a deeply moving collection of first-person accounts that delve into the emotions and processes of Final Exit Network (FEN) clients as they navigate end-of-life decisions. You'll also hear the compelling stories of FEN’s trained volunteers, who serve as coordinators, guides, and confidants during these pivotal moments.


Jim Van Buskirk, the anthology's editor and FEN regional coordinator (and former SFPL librarian!), will be joined by a senior exit guide and anthology contributor for an insightful conversation. Together, they will discuss their essays, their roles within FEN, and share readings from the book. This event promises to be a reflective and informative exploration of the critical work of this national nonprofit organization.


  • Death Café participants

    This event is a must-attend for anyone interested in end-of-life options, compassionate care, and the legacy of Final Exit Network's work over the past 20 years.


Books will be available for purchase at the event for $10, cash only.


Connect: Final Exit Network - Website | Final Exit Network - Facebook



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