Presentation: The Seven Pillars to a Successful Retirement Plan

Miércoles, 4/9/2025
2:00 - 3:00
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos

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Learn how to build the foundation for a financially secure and fulfilling retirement. Led by Lee Michael Murphy, an experienced wealth manager and retirement planning specialist, this presentation will empower you with actionable strategies to achieve your goals and live the life you’ve always dreamed of. We will cover:

  • Cash Flow Mastery — Learn how to optimize your savings, manage expenses and create a budget that supports your retirement goals.
  • Retirement Plan Design — Discover how to design a comprehensive, written plan that aligns with your financial vision and includes short-term, mid-term and long-term goals.
  • Managing Your Investment Portfolio — Understand how to balance risk and reward using modern portfolio strategies and structured notes to ensure your investments support your retirement timeline.
  • Income Strategies — Explore ways to create reliable income streams, including Social Security, pensions and investment income, so you never have to worry about running out of money.
  • Retirement Protection — Learn how to safeguard your retirement with tools to protect against market downturns, inflation and unexpected expenses.
  • Living the Life You’ve Always Wanted — Design your ideal retirement lifestyle and learn how to fund your dreams, whether it’s traveling, starting a business or pursuing your passions.
  • Developing a Successful Mindset — Discover the mindset habits that successful retirees use to stay financially and emotionally prepared for their golden years.

About the presenter: Lee Michael Murphy has been helping individuals and families achieve financial security since 2010. As an investment advisor representative with Osaic Wealth Inc., Lee’s three-bucket strategy ensures safety, reliable income, and long-term growth to help clients retire confidently. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from San Jose State University and an Executive Certificate in Financial Planning from the University of California, San Francisco. Lee is also the former host of The Free Retiree Show, a top-rated retirement podcast recognized as a Top 20 resource for retirement planning. His expertise in custom indexing, flex custom indexing, and structured notes makes him a trusted leader in capital gains mitigation, income planning, and portfolio diversification.


Get expert help in managing your finances and learn how to make well-informed financial decisions about spending, saving, taxes, investing, retirement, estate planning and more.

Presentations on a wide menu of topics, ranging from the basics on saving, financial planning and cash flow management, to investing, retirement planning, property tax and insurance sub-limits throughout the month of April.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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