Contacts, gifts, policies, statistics and more
The Library has a growing collection of blogs, updated often by the librarians you see every day.
Budget Information and Details
The Library's budget reflects its commitment to serving diverse communities, providing welcoming facilities, and enhancing its capacity
Capital Projects: Building for You
Building stronger neighborhoods by creating spaces that foster community connections, improve staff operations, and meet library users' dynamic needs.
The Library Commission sets policy and is responsible for the library budget for the San Francisco Public Library system.
Confidentiality and the USA PATRIOT ACT
Federal law and the Library's commitment to protecting user privacy and confidentiality
Contact Us
Have a question? Contact us!
Days Closed
Holidays that the library is closed.
Fabulously Fine Free
The Library will clear all outstanding overdue fines from all patron records. No exceptions, no questions. You are fabulously fine free!
Facts & Figures
Quantifiable resources of the Library's collection and usage statistics, budgets, and the Annual Report.
Guidelines For Library Use
Providing users with a safe and pleasant library experience so that all may enjoy its benefits
How to Support the Library
Council of Neighborhood Libraries, Friends of the Library, and more
The doors of San Francisco’s first public library swung open on June 7, 1879.
Human Resources
Library employment information, staff training and development.
Job Openings
Employment Opportunities at SFPL
Library Preservation Fund Renewal
2022 ballot initiative.
Local Links & SF History
Helpful links to the SF History Center and local SF resources, 311, newspapers, and more.
Photography at the Library
Press Room
News releases, SFPL in the news and more
Privacy Policy
The Library's commitment to protecting library user privacy and keeping confidential information
Racial Equity Commitment
The Library’s commitment to advancing equity and addressing racial divides
Rules and Procedures
Collection Development Plan, Community Redistribution Program, Internet and Computer Use Rules and more
Statement of Incompatible Activities
Volunteer Services
Opportunities for volunteers with different skills, interests, and abilities and we welcome volunteers of all ages. Includes the Main Library and Branches.