Current Volunteers:
- ESL Tutors, FOG Readers Tutors, and Project Read Tutors, log in to America Learns here.
- Tech Tutors, enter your volunteer hours here.
- Main/Tenderloin Library Volunteers, enter your hours here.
- Neighborhood Library Volunteers, enter your hours here.
Welcome & Overview
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with your Library.
San Francisco Public Library envisions a democratic, equitable and vibrant San Francisco for everyone. The Library's mission is to connect our diverse communities to learning, opportunities, and each other. We value well-being, community, equity, collaboration, and exploration.
Our volunteers play a central role in realizing this vision, this mission, and these values.
Youth Volunteers
During the school year, if you are a youth (under age 18, or 18 and still in high school) interested in volunteering at a particular location, please call or go to that location to set up a time to discuss any available opportunities with a librarian. If the library has an open opportunity to offer you, the librarian will create a schedule with you and ask you to complete the following:
- a youth interest form with your contact information, skills, and interests
- a youth volunteer agreement that your parent or guardian must sign, agreeing to your volunteer service and schedule
FOG Readers also accepts select volunteers aged 15 and up. FOG Readers is not a reading enrichment or "reading buddy" program. It is a structured remedial intervention working with a struggling student who is in Grade 1-4.
This program requires:
- a minimum of a 6-month commitment to meeting once a week, every week (except holidays & when sick, of course) with your elementary school student
- the ability to communicate with staff and your student's family reliably and independently (without your parent or guardian's assistance) by email and phone
- the ability to follow a detailed and rigorous curriculum and file monthly reports on progress
- weekly meetings usually last 1-1.5 hours, in the late afternoon/early evening on weekdays or on the weekends
- approximately 8 hours of training
- about 1 hour of preparation time before each weekly meeting
- fingerprinting for a background check, which requires a SSN. If you do not have a California State-issued ID (note: passports are Federal; this must be a California driver's license or California ID), a parent or guardian must come to your fingerprinting and bring additional ID
If you are committed to taking on this difficult and important work, please fill out the FOG Readers Volunteer Tutor Interest Form.
Additional opportunities for youth volunteers are listed The Mix’s Jobs & Volunteer Opportunities page.
Adult Volunteers
The Library's areas of volunteer service include:
- supporting youth learning (currently limited to FOG Readers Tutor positions)
- fostering English language fluency and literacy (Project Read Tutor; ESL Tutor) and
- bridging the digital divide (Tech Tutors, currently limited to the Main Library, is accepting volunteers for Cantonese Tech Drop-In. English Tech Drop-In volunteer applications will reopen in January 2025.)
In addition, volunteers may provide event support for programs, open houses, and cultural celebrations, or assist with special projects. When those opportunities are available, they will be posted on this page and at VolunteerMatch.org.
The first step to volunteering with the Library is to submit a volunteer interest form to each of the areas that interest you: (Please note, some of these forms have several parts. Clicking "submit" will advance you to the next section.)
- To apply as a FOG Readers tutor, please fill out the FOG Tutor Interest Form.
- To apply as a Project Read tutor, please fill out the Project Read Tutor Interest Form.
- To apply as an ESL tutor, please fill out the ESL Tutor Interest Form.
- To apply as a Tech tutor: in English: please check back in 2025; in Cantonese, please fill out the Tech Tutor Interest Form.
To apply to teach a class, lead an activity, or provide other programming, please see our Exhibitions & Program page for a presenter proposal form or email programming@sfpl.org for more information.
If you would like to volunteer at a neighborhood library, please speak to staff at that location.
Some important details to keep in mind:
- Volunteers cannot perform tasks assigned to Library staff, such as shelving books or leading story times.
- For ongoing volunteer positions, a minimum commitment of two hours per week for at least six months is requested.
- Volunteers who will serve with vulnerable populations first must pass a background check. (Fingerprints are taken at City Hall at no cost to the volunteer, and a SSN is required).
- There may be a waiting period before an opening is available for a requested role, location, and time. Please check your schedule against location open hours to find a convenient location with compatible hours.
- We cannot accommodate groups for one-time “day of service” events at this time.
Other Community Opportunities
- The San Francisco Education Fund recruits volunteers to assist in the San Francisco Unified Schools. You can volunteer close to home or close to work, with students from kindergarten through 12th grade. They have opportunities in math, literacy, mentoring and mindfulness! Learn more: www.sfedfund.org/volunteer.
- Mount Tamalpais College is an independent liberal arts college dedicated solely to serving incarcerated people. Volunteer inside San Quentin in a variety of educational roles, included computer and tech help.
- CTN (Community Tech Network) needs volunteers to serve as Digital Coaches, teaching older adults to use the internet.
Other Resources
- If you are looking for a one-time or short-term volunteer opportunity, Friends of the San Francisco Public Library often needs volunteers to assist with its book sales or book donation warehouse operations.
- VolunteerMatch.org lists a wide array of volunteer opportunities throughout the Bay Area.
The SF-Marin Foodbank is often in need of volunteers for shifts that can be quickly scheduled on-line.
(415) 557-4388
San Francisco Public Library
Community Programs & Partnerships
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102