People conversing in ASL

Deaf Services Center - 1st Floor

Closed Now

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States


Sun Closed
Mon closed Closed
Tue 9 - 6
Wed 9 - 6
Thu 9 - 6
Fri 12 - 6
Sat 10 - 6

The Deaf Services Center provides in-depth resources for adults and children who are deaf or hard of hearing, their families, friends and professionals.

  • Staff provides services in American Sign Language and English
  • An extensive collection of books, magazines, videos and DVDs about American Sign Language, Deaf culture, interpreting, parenting, hearing loss, deafness and other related subjects
  • Resource files of magazine articles, newspaper clippings, book and video reviews, brochures, flyers and ephemera
  • Classes offered in the San Francisco Bay Area for American Sign Language, sign language interpreting, Deaf culture, deaf education and other related subjects
  • For SFPL sponsored programs, assistive listening devices are available as well as the following services: American sign language interpreting, English language oral interpreting and real-time captioning in English. These services cannot be guaranteed when requested less than one week in advance.
  • Information about other organizations that provide services for people who are deaf or hard of hearing
  • Video/DVD viewing on televisions equipped with closed-caption decoders
  • View American Culture: The Deaf Perspective, a four-part series exploring the culture and heritage of Deaf Americans, on the SFPL YouTube channel or order DVDs
  • Sorenson VRS videophone is available in the Deaf Services Center during open hours
  • History and Photographs
  • Deaf Services: Helpful Links
  • Deaf Culture: Sign language, linguistics, Deaf history
  • Deaf Theatre: scripts and videos of deaf-themed plays, books on history of deaf theatre
  • Hearing Loss: Late-deafness, assistive devices (including implants), hearing loss organizations, causes of hearing loss, vertigo, otosclerosis, audiology