Presentation: What Women Should Know About Their Retirement Plan

Miércoles, 4/16/2025
4:00 - 5:00

Planning and saving for retirement may seem like goals that are far in the future. Yet saving, especially for retirement, should start early and continue throughout your lifetime.  When it comes to financial planning and saving, women often face more challenges than men – making it harder for women to adequately save.  This workshop will help you plan for your retirement and take charge of your financial future. 

Presented by the US Department of Labor Employee Benefits Security Administration. The mission of the Employee Benefits Security Administration is to assure the security of the retirement, health and other workplace related benefits of America’s workers and their families. The agency accomplishes this mission by developing effective regulations; assisting and educating workers, plan sponsors, fiduciaries and service providers; and vigorously enforcing the law. 

Presenter: Moana Fogg Benefits Advisors for the U.S. Department of Labor, Employee Benefits Security Administration


Get expert help in managing your finances and learn how to make well-informed financial decisions about spending, saving, taxes, investing, retirement, estate planning and more.

Presentations on a wide menu of topics, ranging from the basics on saving, financial planning and cash flow management, to investing, retirement planning, property tax and insurance sub-limits throughout the month of April.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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