Glass jar filled with coins and plant growing out of it and little model house

Presentation: Investing 101: How to Invest in Stocks

with Carly Matthews, Personal Finance Speaker and Financial Literacy Advocate
Sábado, 4/26/2025
2:30 - 3:30
Anza Meeting Room

550 37th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121
Estados Unidos

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April is National Financial Capability month! National Financial Literacy Month was first recognized in the United States in April 2004 in an effort to highlight the importance of financial literacy and to teach people how to establish and maintain healthy financial habits. 

Please join us for these upcoming seminars:

April 19th 2:30 - 3:30: How Money Works: Saving, Budgeting and Investing Basics

April 26th 2:30 - 3:30:Investing 101: How to Invest in Stocks

Caroline Matthews is a personal finance speaker, educator, investor and equity trader. “Carly” was previously a director at a biotech firm where she helped build the company from startup to acquisition. She has been part of the financial capability movement for over two decades, educating young adults and families in classrooms and public forums nationwide. 

Carly has participated in roundtable discussions at the SEC Office of the Investor Advocate, the Saks Fifth Avenue Fearless Women Speaker Series, Junior Achievement’s Advisory Board and the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. 

As a financial literacy advocate she organized, funded and hosted local events such as the Money Camp for Kids and the $AVVY finance film for the benefit of women and children. Carly teaches money basics in a fun and easy way to help empower others to take control of their finances. Carly strongly believes that change for our economic future begins with teaching personal finance basics in our schools.

Get expert help in managing your finances and learn how to make well-informed financial decisions about spending, saving, taxes, investing, retirement, estate planning and more.

Presentations on a wide menu of topics, ranging from the basics on saving, financial planning and cash flow management, to investing, retirement planning, property tax and insurance sub-limits throughout the month of April.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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