2:30 - 3:30
Inspired by many legends of The Three Sisters - Corn, Bean and Squash - this story and music adaptation by Alicia Retes includes colorful corn husk characters who reveal their origins in the Americas. The Plant Sisters engage the audience to share their dreams, trials and tribulations of independence, respect, cooperation and community service. The Three Sisters lead the way to other companion plants, like Tomato and Cilantro.
As an honor to the Coast Miwok of Marin, audiences will learn how Coyote brought music to the people and learn how to play traditional Elderberry Clapper Stick Rattles and sing along with Retes in songs composed in English, Spanish and Coast Miwok.
Connect: Alicia Retes - Website
Storytime for Families
Books, songs, rhymes and fun for children of all ages.
Learn more about storytimes with SFPL, including current offerings, at sfpl.org/storytime.
Events featuring theater, music, art and dance.
First Person: Indigenous and Native Peoples Interest
Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to Indigenous Peoples.
Join the Library's celebration honoring the voices of Indigenous and native peoples with programs and workshops, book recommendations and more.