Workshop: Reimaging the Self — Creative Approaches to Autobiographical Writing

Martes, 4/29/2025
6:00 - 7:30
Merced General Floor Area

155 Winston Drive
San Francisco, CA 94132
Estados Unidos

Contact Telephone

Discover the power of your own stories in this interactive workshop, designed for anyone eager to turn their experiences into impactful narratives. Learn to craft your tales into family scrapbooks, poetry, spoken word or memoirs, with guidance from Niloufar Talebi. She will share insights from writing her hybrid memoir Self-Portrait in Bloom and her editing and translation work on the anthology Belonging: New Poetry by Iranians Around the World, showcasing stories of immigrants across generations.

Niloufar Talebi is an author, award-winning translator, creator and producer. She is the editor and translator of Belonging: New Poetry by Iranians Around the World (North Atlantic Books, 2008), and author of the hybrid memoir, Self-Portrait in Bloom (l’Aleph, 2019). She teaches Creative Writing at the Stanford Continuing Studies Program. Talebi's multimedia storytelling projects have been commissioned and presented by Carnegie Hall, Cal Performances, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Stanford Live, the Kennedy Center and Brooklyn Academy of Music. She is the creator of a suite of projects inspired by the Iranian poet Ahmad Shamlou that includes Abraham in Flames opera (composer A. Vrebalov, 2019), Funeral Address video-poem and a TEDx Berkeley Talk. She is a Fulbright U.S. Scholar, and a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Translation Fellow. 

Space limited. Reservations required: (415) 355-2825 or sign-up at the reference desk (starting April 1st).


Niloufar Talebi - Website | Niloufar Talebi - Instagram


Discover new titles, share inspiring works and participate in challenges and contests. 

This program honors the diverse cultures, traditions and histories of Southwest Asian and North African heritage.

Este programa es patrocinado por Friends of the San Francisco Public Library.


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