1:00 - 1:45
150 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102
Estados Unidos
Explore basic AI tools for everyday use. Space limited. Reservation required (415) 592-2766. Call, come in or arrive early on the day of the event to register.
This program is part of a full day of tech workshops at Tenderloin Tech Lab (150 Golden Gate Avenue).
Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL), a partnership between St. Anthony Foundation and San Francisco Network Ministries, is an accessible technology center, providing computer access and education to all.
Connect: Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL) – Website
St. Anthony's is a nonprofit social service organization in San Francisco, California.
Connect: St. Anthony's – Website | St. Anthony's – Facebook | St. Anthony's – YouTube | St. Anthony's – Instagram | St. Anthony's – LinkedIn
This event is part of SF Tech Week.
Tech Time
In-person and online programs to help you explore current technology and navigate the digital world. Sign up for our monthly eNewsletter of upcoming classes and events.
Tech Week
Build your skills, explore technology and connect with expert help this May.