Downloading eBooks
If you have a Kindle eReader, such as Paperwhite or Oasis, or use the Kindle app on a device, you may only borrow library Kindle Books from OverDrive*. Get the Libby by OverDrive app to manage your Kindle checkouts and holds. Check our FAQ for more information.
* Kindle e-audiobooks also available from this service
Please visit eBooks Collections to see a full list of our eBook collections.
If you are having trouble accessing your Kindle title, please review the following troubleshooting check list:
- 14-digit library card number is active and entered without spaces
- Library card PIN/password is correct
- Borrowed Kindle title from OverDrive and claimed it from Amazon immediately afterwards
- Using the latest version of the Libby by OverDrive app
- Using latest version of Kindle app software
- Internet connection is stable and turned on
- Kindle device has enough storage space to receive content
Systems Requirements
For specific system requirements, please see eBooks: System Requirements.