
We are currently cataloging the printers’ manuals; please check the online catalog.

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  • Abbott, Jacob, 1803–1879. The Harper Establishment; or, How the Story Books Are Made. New York: Harper & Brothers, [1855].
  • Adams, Thomas F. Typographia: a Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art; with Practical Directions for conducting every Department in an Office. Philadelphia: Printed and published by the Compiler, 1837. (Title page different from that in Bigmore & Wyman.)
  • Adams, Thomas F. Typographia; or, The Printer's Instructor: a Brief Sketch of the Origin, Rise, and Progress of the Typographic Art, with Practical Directions for Conducting every Department in an Office, Hints to Authors, Publisher, etc. New York: Published by R. Hoe & Co., 1856.
  • Allen, Lewis M. Printing with the Handpress: Herewith a Definitive Manual by Lewis M. Allen to Encourage Fine Printing through Hand-craftsmanship. Kentfield, CA: The Allen Press, 1969. Limited to 140 copies.
  • The American Handbook of Printing, containing in brief and simple style something about every department of the Art and Business of Printing. 3rd ed. New York: Oswald Publishing Co., 1913.
  • Andrews, Emory Cobb, 1878- Color and Its Application to Printing. Chicago: The Inland Printer Co., [1911].
  • Audin, Marius, 1872-1951. Le Livre, son architecture, sa technique. Paris: Les editions G. Crè et cie., 1924.
  • The Author's Printing and Publishing Assistant; comprising Explanations of the Process of Printing, Preparation and Calculation of Manuscripts, Choice of Paper, Type, Binding, Illustrations, Publishing, Advertising, etc., with an Exemplification and Description of the Typographical Marks used in the Correction of the Press. [2nd ed.] London: Saunders and Otley, 1839.


  • Bauer, Friedrich, 1863- Das Giessinstrument des Schriftgiessers: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Schriftgiesserei. Hamburg, München: Schriftgiesserei Aktiengesellschaft Genzsch & Heyse, 1922. Limited to 500 copies.
  • Bertrand, Georges. Guide des Imprimeurs, Protes, Libraires & Publicistes, contenant le tarif des prix de Paris pour la composition, le tirage, le clichage, le brochage, la reliure, etc., etc. Suivi des principaux édits, arrêts, ordonnances, lois, décrets, sénatus-consultes et circulaires qui régissent l’imprimerie, la librairie, la presse périodique, l’affichage et le colportage. 3rd ed. Paris: Imprimerie Morris père et fils, 1879.
  • Bertrand-Quinquet, d. 1808. Traité de l'imprimerie. Paris: Chez Bertrand-Quinquet, an VII [1799].
  • Bidwell, George H., d. 1885. Treatise on the Imposition of Forms: Embracing a System of Rules and Principles for Laying the Pages, Applicable to all Forms; with Instructions for Making Margin and Register, Turning and Folding the Sheets, etc.; and Diagrams of all the Standard Forms showing their Relation to Each Other, with Explanations of their Variations and Transpositions. Also, Tables of Signatures, etc., useful to Compositors, Pressmen, and Publishers. New York: Published by Dick & Fitzgerald, 1866. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Brun, Marcelin Aimé, b. 1778. Manuel pratique et abrégé de la Typographie Française. Paris: Chez Firmin Didot père et fils, 1825.
  • Burch, R. M. Colour Printing and Colour Printers. With a chapter on Modern Processes by W. Gamble. New York: Baker & Taylor, 1910.


  • Capelle, Pierre Adolphe, 1772-1851. Manuel de la Typographie Française, ou Traité complet de l'Imprimerie. Ouvrage utile aux jeunes typographes, aux libraires et aux gens de lettres. Paris: Rignoux, Baudouin frères, Aillaud, 1826. Includes large broadside specimen of Didot and Mole types.
  • Carey, Annie. The History of a Book. London, Paris, New York: Cassell, Petter, & Galpin, [1873].
  • Claye, Jules Alexandre Saturnin, 1806-1886. Typographie: manuel de l’Apprenti Compositeur. 2nd ed. Paris: J. Claye, 1874.
  • [Collingridge, William Hill.] Comprehensive Guide to Printing and Publishing: A Manual of Information on Matters connected with Printing, Publishing, etc. London: W. H. Collingridge, 1869.


  • Deleschamps, Pierre. Des Mordans, des Vernis et des Planches, dans l'Art du Graveur, ou Traité complet de la Gravure. Paris: Chez Mme Huzard, imprimeur-libraire, 1836.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: A Treatise on the Processes of Type-Making, the Point System, the Names, Sizes, Styles and Prices of Plain Printing Types. New York: Century Co., 1900.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: A Treatise on Title-Pages, with numerous Illustrations in facsimile and some Observations on the Early and Recent Printing of Books. New York: Century Co., 1902.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: A Treatise on Title-Pages, with numerous Illustrations in facsimile and some Observations on the Early and Recent Printing of Books. 2nd printing. New York: Century Co., 1904.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition. A Treatise on Spelling, Abbreviations, the Compounding and Division of Words, the Proper Use of Figures and Numerals, Italic and Capital Letters, Notes, etc., with Observations on Punctuation and Proof-Reading. New York: Century Co., 1901.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: Correct Composition. A Treatise on Spelling, Abbreviations, the Compounding and Division of Words, the Proper Use of Figures and Numerals, Italic and Capital Letters, Notes, etc., with Observations on Punctuation and Proof-Reading. 3rd ed. New York: Century Co., 1910.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Practice of Typography: Modern Methods of Book Composition. A Treatise on Type-Setting by Hand and by Machine and on the Proper Arrangement and Imposition of Pages. New York: Century Co., 1904. (Manuscript compliments slip from De Vinne tipped-in.)
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. The Printers' Price List. A Manual for the Use of Clerks and Book-keepers in Job Printing Offices. New York: Francis Hart and Co., 1871.
  • De Vinne, Theodore Low, 1828-1914. Title-Pages as Seen by a Printer, with numerous Illustrations in Facsimile and some Observations on the Early and Recent Printing of Books. New York: Grolier Club, 1901. Limited to 325 copies; printed at the De Vinne Press. (Inscribed by De Vinne to Charles T. Jacobi; bookplate of Charles Thomas Jacobi.)
  • Didot, Ambroise Firmin. Essai sur la Typographie. Extrait du tome XXVI de l’Encycopédie moderne. Parie: Typographie de Firmin Didot frères, 1851. Inscribed by Didot.


  • Earhart, John Franklin. The Color Printer. A Treatise on the use of Color in Typographic Printing. Cincinnati, OH: Earhart & Richardson, 1892.
  • [Ernesti, Johann Heinrich Gottfried, 1664-1723].Die Wol-eingerichtete Buchdruckereÿ, mit hundert und achtzehen Teutsch- Lateinisch- Griechisch- und Hebräischen Schrifften, vieler fremden Sprachen Alphabeten, musicalischen Roten, Calender-Zeichen, und Medicinischen Characteren, Ingleichen allen üblichen Formaten bestellet, und mit accurater Abbildung der Erfinder der löblichen Kunst, nebst einer summarischen Nachricht von den Buchdruckern in Nürnberg, ausgezieret. Am Ende ist das gebräuchliche Depositions-Büchlein angefüget. Nürnberg: Johann Andred Endters seel. Sohn und Erben, 1721.


  • Fertel, Martin-Dominique, 1684-1752. La science pratique de l’imprimerie. Contenant des instructions trés-faciles pour se perfectionner dans cet art. On y trouvera une description de toutes les pieces dont une Presse est construite, avec le moyen de remedier à tous les défauts qui puevent y survenir. Avec une Methode nouvell & fort aisée pour imposer toutes sortes d’Impositions, dequis l’In-folio jusqu’à l’In cent-vingt-huit. De plus, on y a joint des Tables pour sçavoir ce que les Caracteres inferieurs regagnent sur ceux qui leur sont superieurs, & un Tarif pour trouver, d’un coup d’œl, combien de Formes contiendra une copie à imprimer, trés-utile pour les Auteurs & Marchands Libraires qui sont imprimer leurs Ouvrages à leurs dépens. Le tout representé avec des Figures en bois & en taille douce. [St. Omer]: Martin-Dominique Fertel, 1723. (Bookplate of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Fournier, Henri, 1800-1888. Traité de la Typographie. Paris: Imprimerie de H. Fournier, 1825.
  • Fournier, Henri, 1800-1888. Traité de la Typographie. 3rd ed. Tours: Alfred Mame et fils, 1870.
  • Fournier, le jeune (Pierre Simon), 1712-1768. Fournier on Typefounding: The Text of the Manuel Typographique (1764-1766). Trans. and ed. with notes by Harry Carter. London: Soncino Press, 1930.
  • Fournier, le jeune (Pierre Simon), 1712-1768. Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de lettres, & à ceux qui exercent les différentes parties de l'art de l'imprimerie. 2 vols. Paris: Imprimé par l’Auteur, 1764.
  • Frazier, Julius Leroy. Modern Type Display: A Manual in the Selection and Use of Type & Ornament for Printers & Advertisers. Chicago: Published by the Author, 1920.
  • Frey, A. Manuel Nouveau de Typographie. Imprimerie, contenant les principes théoriques et pratiques de l'imprimeur-typographe. 2 vols. Paris: a la librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 1835.


  • Gamble, William, 1864-1933. Music Engraving and Printing: Historical and Technical Treatise. London, etc.: Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1923.
  • Gessner, Christian Friedrich, d. 1756. Die so nöthig als nützliche Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgiessereij, mit ihren Schriften, Formaten und allen dazu gehorigen Instrumenten abgebildet auch klarlich beschrieben und nebst einer kurzgefassten Erzählung vom Ursprung und Fortgang der Buchdruckerkunst überhaupt, insonderheit von den vornehmst Buchdruckern in Leipzig und andern Orten Teutschlandes im 300 Jahre nach Erfindung derselben ans Licht gestellet. Mit einer vorrede hern Johan Erhard Kappens. 4 vols. in 2. Leipzig: Christian Friedrich Gessner, 1740, 1741, 1745.
  • Gould, Joseph. The Letter-Press Printer: A Complete Guide to the Art of Printing; containing Practical Instructions for Learners at Case, Press, and Machine. Embracing the whole Practice of Book Work, with Diagram and complete Schemes of Impositions; Job Work, with Examples; News Work, Colour Work, to make Coloured Inks, to work Press and Machine, to make Rollers, and other valuable Information. London: Farrington & Co., 1876. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Grabhorn, Jane Bissell. A Guide & Handbook for Amateurs of Printing. San Francisco: Jumbo Press, 1937. (Inscribed by Jane Grabhorn to her mother.)
  • Grastorf, Dennis J. "How to Print Wood Type," in Wood Type of The Angelica Press. Brooklyn, NY: Angelica Press, 1975.
  • Gress, Edmund Geiger, 1872-1934. The Art & Practice of Typography: A Manual of American Printing, including a brief History up to the Twentieth Century, with Reproductions of the Work of Early Masters of the Craft, and a Practical Discussion and an Extensive Demonstration of the Modern Use of Type-Faces and Methods of Arrangement. 2nd ed. New York: Oswald Publishing Co., 1917.
  • Gress, Edmund Geiger. See also The American Handbook of Printing.
  • Gütle, Johann Conrad, b. 1747. Kunst, in Kupfer zu stechen, zu Radiren, und zu Aezen, in schwarzer Kunst und punktirter Manier zu arbeiten. Ehemals durch Abraham Bosse etwas davon herausgegeben, jetzo aberganz neu bearbeitet und mit den neuesten Erfindungen der heutigen Künstler beschrieben, zur Belehrung für angehende Künstler und Liebhaber. 3 vols. in 2. Nürnberg und Altdorf: J. C. Monath und J. F. Kussler, 1795.


  • Hansard, Thomas Curson, 1776-1833. Typographia: An Historical Sketch of the Origin and Progress of the Art of Printing; with Practical Directions for Conducting Every Office in an Office: with a Description of Stereotype and Lithography. Illustrated by Engravings, Biographical Notices, and Portraits. London: Printed for Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy, 1825. (Signature of H. Oakey, Preston [?]; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Hansard, Thomas Curson, 1813-1891. Treatises on Printing and Type-Founding. From the Seventh Edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. Edinburgh: Adam and Charles Black, 1841. (Ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Henry, Frank Souder, b. 1867. Printing for School and Shop: A Textbook for Printers' Apprentices, Continuation Classes, and for General Use in Schools. 1st ed., corrected. New York, London: John Wiley & Sons, Chapman & Hall, 1920.
  • The History of Printing. London: Printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1855.
  • Hoch, Fred William, 1891- The Standard Book on Estimating for Printers. Typothetae Management Series. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Deptartment of Education, United Typothetae of America, 1929.


  • Jacobi, Charles Thomas, 1853-1933. The Printers' Handbook of Trade Recipes, Hints, & Suggestions relating to Letterpress and Lithographic Printing, Bookbinding, Stationery Engraving, etc. With many useful Tables and an Index. London: Chiswick Press, 1887.
  • Jacobi, Charles Thomas, 1853-1933. Some Notes on Books and Printing: A Guide for Authors and Others. London: Chiswick Press, 1892. (Inscribed by Jacobi.)
  • Johnson, John, 1777-1848. Typographia, or, The Printers' Instructor: Including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters: Together with An Elucidation of every Subject connected with the Art. 2 vols. London: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, [1824]. (Large paper edition, 16mo; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Johnson, John, 1777-1848. Typographia, or, The Printers' Instructor: Including an Account of the Origin of Printing, with Biographical Notices of the Printers of England, from Caxton to the close of the Sixteenth Century: A Series of Ancient and Modern Alphabets, and Domesday Characters: Together with An Elucidation of every Subject connected with the Art. 2 vols. London: Published by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, [1824]. (Small paper edition, 32mo.)
  • Jouvin, Jules. Manuel à l’usage des élèves compositeurs. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1887.


  • [Le Blon, J. C., 1667-1741.] L'art d'imprimer les tableaux. Traité D'après les Ecrits, les Opérations & les Instructions verbales, de J. C. Le Blon. Paris: Chés P. G. Le Mercier, Jean-Luc Nyon, Michel Lambert, 1756.
  • Leclerc, Émile. Nouveau manuel complet de Typographie: historique–composition–règles orthographiques–imposition–travaux de ville–journaux–tableaux–algèbre–langues étrangères–musique et plain-chant–machines–papier–stéréotypie–illustration. Manuels-Roret. Paris: Encyclopédie-Roret, L. Mulo, libraire-éditeur, 1921. (Manuscript note on flyleaf states "Bound by Robert Grabhorn, Paris, 1924.")
  • Legros, Lucien Alphonse, 1865- , and John Cameron Grant, 1857- . Typographical Printing-Surfaces: The Technology and Mechanism of Their Production. London, New York, etc.: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1916.
  • Lefevre, Théotiste, 1798–1887. Guide pratique du compositeur d’imprimerie. 2 vols. Paris: Librarie de Firmin-Didot frères, 1873, 1872.
  • Lefevre, Théotiste, 1798–1887. Guide pratique du compositeur d’imprimerie. 2 vols. Paris: Librarie de Firmin-Didot et Cie., 1880, 1872.
  • Luckombe, Philip, d. 1803. A Concise History of the Origin and Progress of Printing; with Practical Instructions to the Trade in General. Compiled from Those Who Have Wrote on This Curious Art. London: Printed and Sold by W. Adlard and J. Browne, 1770. (Title page of 1771 edition laid in; engraved portrait of Matthew Carey on blue paper tipped-in; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)


  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography, containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office. With several Useful Tables, Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors and Publishers, etc. etc. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1867.
  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography: containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office. With several Useful Tables, Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors, Publishers, etc. 5th. ed. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1870.
  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography, containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing Every Department of a Printing Office. With several Useful Tables, Numerous Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors, etc. 6th. ed. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1871.
  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography, containing Complete Instructions for Beginners, as well as Practical Directions for Managing Every Department of a Printing Office. With several Useful Tables, Numerous Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors, etc. 10th. ed. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1878. (Bookplate of Carl Purington Rollins.)
  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography, containing Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office, as well as Complete Instructions for Apprentices: with several Useful Tables, Numerous Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors, etc. 12th. ed., rev. and enl. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1879.
  • MacKellar, Thomas, 1812-1899. The American Printer: a Manual of Typography, containing Practical Directions for Managing all Departments of a Printing Office, as well as Complete Instructions for Apprentices: with several Useful Tables, Numerous Schemes for Imposing Forms in every variety, Hints to Authors, etc. 17th. ed., rev. and enl. Philadelphia: MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, 1889.
  • Momoro, Antoine François, 1756-1794. Traité élémentaire de l'imprimerie, ou Le manuel de l'imprimeur; avec 36 planches en taille-douce. Paris: Chez Veuve Tilliard & Fils, 1796.
  • Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1700. Mechanick Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy-Works. 2 vols. London: Printed for Joseph Moxon, 1683. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1700. Moxon’s Mechanick Exercises, or, The Doctrine of Handy-Works applied to the Art of Printing. A Literal Reprint in Two Volumes of the First Edition Published in the Year 1683. With Preface and Notes by Theodore Low De Vinne. 2 vols. New York: The Typothetæ of the City of New York, 1896. (Bookplates of Thomas Bird Mosher and Jackson Burke; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Moxon, Joseph, 1627-1700. Mechanick Exercises on the Whole Art of Printing (1683-4). Edited by Herbert Davis and Harry Carter. London: Oxford University Press, 1958. (Ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)


  • The Officina Bodoni: The Operation of a Hand-press during the first six years of its work. Paris, New York: Editiones Officinae Bodoni, At the Sign of the Pegasus, 1929.


  • Pepler, H. D. C., (Hilary Douglas Clark), 1878-1951. The Hand Press: An Essay Written and Printed by Hand for the Society of Typographic Arts, Chicago. Ditchling Common, Sussex: 1934. One of 250 copies, signed by Pepler.
  • Polk, Ralph Weiss, 1890- . The Practice of Printing. Peoria, IL: The Manual Arts Press, [1926].
  • Powell, Arthur Charles Joseph, 1853-1930. Practical Printing: A Handbook of the Art of Typography. The original work and two following editions by John Southward. 5th ed., "embracing the work on colour printing by F. Noble." 2 vols. London: the "Printers’ Register," [1900].
  • The Printer's Grammar: Containing a Concise History of the Origin of Printing; Also, an Examination of the Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of the Different Sizes of Type cast by Letter Founders; Various Tables of Calculation; Models of Letter Cases; Schemes for casting off Copy, and Imposing; and Many Other Requisites for attainging a perfect Knowledge both in the Theory and Practice of the Art of Printing, with Directions to Authors, Compilers, &c.[,] How to Prepare Copy, and to Correct their own Proofs. Chiefly Collected from Smith's Edition. To Which Are Added Directions for Pressmen, &c. The whole calculated for the Service of All who have any Concern in the Letter Press. London: Printed by L. Wayland; and Sold by T. Evans, Pater-Noster-Row, 1787. (Ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • [Putnam, George Haven, 1844-1930.] Authors and Publishers: A Manual of Suggestions for Beginners in Literature. Comprising a description of Publishing Methods and Arrangements, Directions for the Preparation of MSS. for the Press, Explanations of the Details of Book-Manufacturing, Instructions for Proof-Reading, Specimens of Typography, the Text of the United States Copyright Law and Information concerning International Copyrights, together with General Hints for Authors. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1883.


  • Rapid Electrotype Company, Cincinnati. From Xylographs to Lead Molds AD 1440-AD 1921. Compiled by H. C. Forster. Cincinnati, OH: The Rapid Electrotype Co., 1921.
  • Raynor, P. E. Printing for Amateurs: A Practical Guide to the Art of Printing; containing Descriptions of Presses and Materials, together with Details of the Processes Employed; to which is added a Glossary of Technical Terms. London: "The Bazaar", [1876].
  • Renner, Paul, 1878- . Typografie als Kunst. München: Verlegt bei Georg Müller, 1922.
  • Ringwalt, J. Luther. American Encyclopædia of Printing. Philadelphia: Memamin & Ringwalt, 1871.


  • Savage, William, 1770-1843. A Dictionary of the Art of Printing. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1841.
  • Savage, William, 1770-1843. Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, with Illustrations Engraved on Wood, and Printed in Colours at the Type Press. London: published for the Proprietor, by Messrs. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster Row; T. Cadell, Strand; J. Booth, Duke Street, Portland Place; J. Major, Skinner Street; and R. Jennings, Poultry, 1822.
  • Sheldon, E. E. Applied Arithmetic: A Handbook of Instruction in Practical Mathematics for Printers' Apprentices. [Chicago]: The Committee on Education, United Typothetae of America, 1918.
  • Sheldon, Frederick Martin. The Practical Colorist: A Pathfinder for the Artist Printer. Burlington, VT: The Owl Press, 1900. (Bookplate of Charles E. Rickes.)
  • Sigüenza y Vera, Juan Josef. Mecanismo del arte de la Imprenta para facilidad de los operarios que le exerzan. Madrid: Imprenta de la Compañia, 1811. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.) [Sigüenza y Vera not in Bigmore & Wyman, but is mentioned in Updike.]
  • Smith, John, fl. 1755. The Printer's Grammar: Wherein are Exhibited, Examined, and Explained, the Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of The different Sorts and Sizes of Metal Types, cast by Letter Founders: Sundry Alphabets, of Oriental, and some other Languages; Together with the Chinese Characters: The Figures of Mathematical, Astronomical, Musical, and Physical Signs; Jointly with Abbreviations, Contractions, and Ligatures: The Construction of Metal Flowers—Various Tables, and Calculations—Models of different Letter-Cases; Schemes for Casting off Copy, and Imposing; And many other Requisites for attaining a more perfect knowledge both in the Theory and Practice of the Art of Printing. With Directions to Authors, Compilers, &c. how to Prepare Copy, and to Correct their own Proofs. The Whole calculated for the Service of All who have any Concern in the Letter Press. London: Printed for the Editor; 1755. (Manuscript note on verso of title page reads "Saml. Chandler's, Printer, Brook-Street, Holborn, 1762"; bookplate of Ellic Howe.)
  • [Smith, John, fl. 1755.] The Printer's Grammar: Containing a Concise History of the Origin of Printing; also, an Examination of the Superficies, Gradation, and Properties of The Different Sizes of Types cast by Letter Founders; Various Tables of Calculation; Models of Letter Cases; Schemes for casting off Copy, and Imposing; and Many Other Requisites for attaining a perfect Knowledge both in the Theory and Practice of the Art of Printing. With Directions to Authors, Compilers, &c. How to Prepare Copy, and to Correct their own Proofs. Chiefly collected from Smith's Edition. To Which Are Added Directions for Pressmen, &c. The whole calculated for the Service of All who have any Concern in the Letter Press. London: Printed by L. Wayland, 1787.
  • Southward, John, 1840-1902. Modern Printing: A Handbook of the Principles and Practice of Typography and the Auxiliary Arts. 2 vols. bound as one. London: Raithby, Lawrence & Co., Ltd., 1898.
  • Southward, John, 1840-1902. The Principles and Progress of Printing Machinery. With an Account of Modern Printing Machines (Based upon "Typographic Printing Machines") by F. J. F. Wilson. 2nd ed. London: E. Menken, [1890]. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Southward, John. See also Powell, Arthur.
  • Spicher, Craig Reno, 1886- . The Practice of Presswork. 2nd ed., rev. and enl. Chicago: Published by the Author, 1929.
  • Stewart, Alexander A. The Printer's Art. Salem, MA: Printed and published by the Author, 1892.
  • Stower, Caleb, 1778 or 9-1816. The Compositor's and Pressman's Guide to the Art of Printing; Containing Hints and Instructions to Learners, with Various Impositions, Calculations, Scales of Prices, &c. &c. London: Printed by the Editor, 1808.
  • Stower, Caleb, 1778 or 9-1816. The Printer's Grammar; or, Introduction to the Art of Printing: Containing a Concise History of the Art, with the Improvements in the Practice of Printing, for the last Fifty Years. London: Printed by the Editor, 1808. (A leaf bound in at front headed "Globe Tavern, January 16, 1816" concerning a meeting of master printers; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)


  • Täubel, Christian Gottlob. Neues theoretisch-practisches Lehrbuch der Buchdruckerkunst für angehende Schriftsetzer und Drucker in den Buchdruckereyen, in welchem auch alles, was denselben von andern Wissenschaften, Kunst- und Gewerbsfächern, die mit der Buchdruckerkunst in naher Verwandtschaft oder Verbindung stehen, zu wissen nöthig ist, deutlich erkläret wird. Nebst beygefügtem ausführlichen Formatbuche. Wien: Im Verlage der Binzischen Buchhandlung, 1810.
  • Timperley, Charles Henry, 1795? -1861. Encyclopædia of Literary and Typographical Anecdote; being a chronological digest of the most interesting facts illustrative of the history of literature and printing from the earliest period to the present time. Interspersed with biographical sketches of eminent booksellers, printers, type-founders, engravers, bookbinders and paper makers, of all ages and countries, but especially of Great Britain. With bibliographical and descriptive accounts of their principal productions and occasional extracts from them. Including curious particulars of the first introduction of printing into various countries, and of the books then printed. Notices of early Bibles and liturgies of all countries, especially those printed in England or in English. A history of all the newspapers, periodicals, and almanacks published in this country. An account of the origin and progress of language, writing and writing-materials, the invention of paper, use of paper marks, etc. Compiled and condensed from Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, and numerous other authorities. Second edition, to which are added, a continuation to the present time, comprising recent biographies, chiefly of booksellers, and a Practical Manual of Printing. 1 vol. in 5.. London: Henry G. Bohn, 1842.
  • Timperley, Charles Henry, 1795? -1861. The Printer's Manual; containing Instructions to Learners, with Scales of Impositions, and numerous Calculations, Recipes, and Scales of Prices in the Principal Towns of Great Britain: together with Practical Directions for Conducting every Department of a Printing Office. London, Manchester: H. Johnson, Bancks and Co., 1838.
  • Trumbull, George. Pocket Typographia; a brief Practical Guide to the Art of Printing. Albany, NY: Printed and published by George Davidson, 1846.
  • Typography: The written word and the printed word; Some tests for types; Concerning printers' flowers; The pioneer work of the Pelican Press; The points of a well-made book; A glossary of printers' terms; Type specimens; A display of borders and initials. London: The Pelican Press, 1923. "This book was compiled and was for the most part written by Francis Meynell the Typographer of the Pelican Press . . . ." Unusual foldout title page.


  • Valotaire, Marcel, 1889- . La Typographie. Pref. by Léon Pichon. La technique du livre et des arts graphiques.. Paris: Henry Babou, Éditeur, 1930.
  • The Vibrator: A Handbook on Printers' Rollers; A Resume of the Recent Issues of our Publication in condensed form. New York: Bingham Brothers Co., 1925.
  • Vinçard, B. L’Art du Typographe, ouvrage utile à MM. les Hommes de Lettres, Bibliographes et Typographes; Contenant, par chapitres et sommaires, les détails de chacune des deux parties de cet Art, la désignation et les modèles des caractères des langues mortes et des langues vivantes, les proportions et l’alignement des vers, un vocabulaire typographique, une table des homonymes, une méthode simplifiée pour la correction des épreuves; un traité sur les objets dont on tire une substance propre à faire le papier, des énchantillons; les avantages du mécanisme de la presse; les lois et décrets relatifs à la propriété et á l’impression des ouvrages, etc., etc. . . . par B. Vinçard, typographiste, . . . inventeur des Ligatures françaises et étrangères et des Presses à Touchoir, . . . . Paris: Chez Vinçard, 1806.


  • Watson, James. The History of the Art of Printing, Containing an Account of It's [sic] Invention and Progress in Europe: With the Names of the Famous Printers, the Places of Their Birth, and the Works printed by Them. And a Preface by the Publisher to the Printers in Scotland. Edinburgh: Printed by James Watson. Sold at his Shop, opposite to the Lucken-Booths ; and at the Shops of David Scot in the Parliament-Close and George Stewart a little above the Cross, 1713. (Engraved bookplate of H. A.; ownership stamp of Robert Grabhorn.)
  • Weatherly, S. M. The Young Job Printer. A Book of Instructions in Detail on Job Printing for Beginners. 2nd ed., rev. Chicago: S. M. Weatherly, 1889 [i.e., 1891]. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Weatherly, W. L. Manual of the Universal Typographic Scale. San Francisco: The Universal Typographic Scale Co., [1926].