Presentation: King of the Omniverse - Sun Ra and His Arkestra

星期四, 3/6/2025
6:00 - 7:30
Koret Auditorium
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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Author Nicole V. Gagné offers a celebration of one of the 20th century's master composer/musicians: Sun Ra, who led his big band the Arkestra for 40 years and took humanity on a never-ending trip through outer space and into dimensions unknown.

Nicole Viviane Gagné  is the co-author (with Tracy Caras) of Soundpieces: Interviews with American Composers (Scarecrow Press, 1982) and the author of Sonic Transports: New Frontiers in Our Music (de Falco Books, 1990), Soundpieces 2: Interviews with American Composers (Scarecrow Press, 1993) and Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music (Rowman & Littlefield, Second Edition, 2019). A contributor to The New Grove II, she has written about music for BMI Music World, Op, Option, and; she has also lectured on music at Sarah Lawrence College, the University of Pittsburgh, and the California Institute of the Arts. Her essay “The Beaten Path,” a history of percussion in American music, won ASCAP’s Deems Taylor Award in 2004. She is the librettist and co-composer (with David Avidor) of the opera Agamemnon (1993), in which she also performed as a singer and instrumentalist; in 2019 she made a series of videos for the entire opera. She wrote and hosted the SFCR radio show “A 21st-Century Guide to 20th-Century Music” from 2012 to 2018. 

Nicole Viviane Gagné - Website 

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