Author Readings and Lectures

Author: James Beasley Jr.

Deeply Rooted: Gangsterdom Vol. 1
星期日, 12/8/2024
2:00 - 3:30
African American Center - 3rd Fl
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

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After spending a quarter-century behind bars, James Beasley Jr., one of the most successful cocaine dealers in California during the 1980s, shares his memoirs in the hope of discouraging those who might consider a life of crime.  

Beasley Jr. was born with gangster roots running three generations deep in his family from Hunter's Point, the epicenter of San Francisco's Black underworld. A hustler from the start, Beasley dove headfirst into the cocaine trade when crack cocaine emerged. Determined to forge his own path, Beasley created a powerful crew called the B-Team to rival the A-Team, which had been established by other family members.   

His story spans from the gritty floors of housing projects to the lavish suites of penthouses. It takes you from rundown drug dens and street wars to secret stash houses, million-dollar homes, the Grammys with the Jacksons, heavyweight championship fights, and the birth of Death Row Records. A businessman at his core, he was at the forefront of the real estate boom, acquiring several properties across California and Nevada. However, betrayed by outsiders and charged with federal conspiracy, Beasley was eventually sentenced to 30 years in prison along with other members of his crew. The path he has traveled, marked by extreme integrity, was one meant to break men. 

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