Filipino Interest

Presentation: Filipino Weaving Traditions with Rachel Lozada

星期四, 5/15/2025
4:00 - 5:30
Excelsior Meeting Room

4400 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

Contact Telephone

Join Bay Area fiber artist Rachel Lozada for a hands-on journey through Ilocano weaving. Learn about Ilocano weaving's socio-cultural and historical significance to the Filipino American community and how it relates to the community's labor recruitment migration to the US beginning in the early 1900s after the US colonized the Philippines at the turn of the century. Llocanos comprise the second largest ethnolinguistic group in the US. Participants will get to know some of the iconic design patterns and their symbolism and then try their hands on several types of looms. 

Participants of April's Cardboard Loom Weaving workshop are welcome to bring their projects for a "show and tell" of their woven pieces.

Rachel Lozada is a community-based artivist and weaver committed to creating a renaissance of traditional and indigenous Filipino weaving in the Diaspora.

Space limited. Seats available first come, first served.

Exercise your power of imagination with programs that encourage hands-on projects for adults. For craft programs, all materials are provided, unless noted.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Filipino American community.



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