Celebration: International Women's Day

Celebración: Día Internacional de la Mujer
星期六, 3/1/2025
2:00 - 3:00
Excelsior General Floor Area

4400 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

Contact Telephone

Enjoy a music performance with Katiana Vilá to celebrate Women's International Day. She is a modern, global, folk and Latin vocalist and multi-instrumentalist living locally. Katiana is of Cuban, Colombian and Dutch descent but after having lived, studied and performed in places like Brazil, Nicaragua, and Spain to name a few, her repertoire, style and flair are that of a true citizen of the world. 

This artist is found on SFPL's popular local music platform, Bay Beats

Connect: Katiana Vilá - Website | Katiana Vilá - Instagram | Katiana Vilá - Facebook


Disfruta de una interpretación musical con Katiana Vilá para celebrar el Día Internacional de la Mujer. Katiana es una vocalista y multiinstrumentista moderna, global, folk y latina que vive localmente. Katiana es de ascendencia cubana, colombiana y holandesa, pero después de haber vivido, estudiado y actuado en lugares como Brasil, Nicaragua y España, por nombrar algunos, su repertorio, estilo y ambiente son los de una verdadera ciudadana del mundo. 

Esta artista se encuentra en la popular plataforma de música local de SFPL, Bay Beats.

Conéctate: Katiana Vilá - sitio web | Katiana Vilá - Instagram | Katiana Vilá - Facebook

Programs spotlighting women's history, rights and current issues.

HERstory is SFPL's celebration of Women's History Month, spotlighting authors, thinkers, visionaries and artists during the month of March. Program offerings are for all ages. 

Programa en español. Program in spoken Spanish.

Enjoy free performances from musicians on SFPL's Bay Beats local music streaming platform. Featuring all genres, from classical to folk, rock to rap, pop to punk.



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