Author: Eddie Ahn, Advocate

A Graphic Memoir of Family, Community, and the Fight for Environmental Justice
星期日, 3/30/2025
2:00 - 3:30
Anza Meeting Room

550 37th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

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Author Eddie Ahn discusses his new graphic memoir, Advocate: A Graphic Memoir of Family, Community, and the Fight for Environmental Justice.

Born in Texas to Korean immigrants, Eddie grew up working at his family’s store with the weighty expectations that their sacrifices would be paid off when he achieved the “American Dream.” Years later after moving to San Francisco and earning a coveted law degree, he then does the unthinkable: he rejects a lucrative legal career to enter the nonprofit world.

In carving his own path, Eddie defies his family’s notions of economic success, igniting a struggle between family expectations, professional goals, and dreams of community. As an environmental justice attorney, he confronts the most immediate issues the country is facing today, from the devastating effects of Californian wildfires to economic inequality, all while combating burnout and racial prejudice. In coming fully into his own, Eddie also reaches a hand back to his parents, showing them the value of a life of service rather than one spent only seeking monetary wealth.

Weaving together humorous anecdotes with moments of victory and hope, this powerful, deeply contemplative full-color graphic novel explores the relationship between immigration and activism, opportunity and obligation, and familial duty and community service.

Attendees will receive a free copy of the book while supplies last.

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