Presentation: Citizen Coyotes of San Francisco

星期二, 4/1/2025
6:00 - 7:30
North Beach Library Community Room
North Beach

850 Columbus Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94133

Contact Telephone

Learn where coyotes live in San Francisco, what they are like and how to peacefully coexist with them. 

Janet “The Coyote Lady” Kessler is a self-taught naturalist who has spent nearly two decades conducting daily field research documenting urban coyote behavior and family life. In this presentation "Our Citizen Coyotes," Kessler will share her first-hand information, compassion and love for the animals. She will also describe what to expect if you have a dog and encounter a coyote. 

Documenting her experiences with a camera, Kessler has come to know and identify most of the coyotes and their families here in San Francisco. Recently, she has been able to map the general extent of each of their territories and some of their dispersal here in the city. Kessler has collaborated with Dr. Benjamin Sacks’ genetic lab at UC Davis where the DNA from scat she collected is analyzed.

Please visit: Coyote Yipps - Website and Coyote Yipps - Instagram to learn more about Kessler's work with coyotes.

Reservations required: call 415-355-5626, or sign-up in person at the reference desk. Space is limited to 30 persons max. 

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