Workshop: Navigating Aging and End of Life

Three Presenters - Q&A Session - Aging Education and Support
星期三, 3/19/2025
6:00 - 7:30
Glen Park Meeting Room
Glen Park

2825 Diamond Street
San Francisco, CA 94131

Contact Telephone

Aging adults, their families, and caregivers are encouraged to attend this presentation and question and answer session. An expert panel will share information about planning for the later stages of life, and how to get expert support.  

Topics include: Navigating family conversations; clarifying aging loved ones' needs and wishes; receiving clinical care after a serious injury or illness; exploring home care, home health, and hospice; understanding family dynamics; understanding the role of an End-of-Life Doula; and building your expert support team. 

Panelists: Ian Sherbin, Coach and Advisor, Laura Luttinger, Home Health and Hospice Director, Dori Sappo, End-of-Life Doula, Hospice RN and BSN. 

Please reserve your spot using Eventbrite before the event is full. 

Connect: Elder Family Coaching - Website

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