Presentation and Activity: SF Ballet’s Frankenstein

星期二, 4/29/2025
6:00 - 7:30
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room A
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room B
Main Library

100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CA 94102

Contact Telephone

Explore San Francisco Ballet’s production of Frankenstein!  With powerful images and video and references to Mary Shelley’s landmark book, this presentation will delve into the ballet’s plot, characters, and the very timely questions that the Frankenstein story raises about science and technology. We’ll also look at the artists who bring this gothic tale to life on stage.

Following the lecture is a fun and interactive dance movement experience that is suitable for all abilities. The dancing segment is done entirely in a chair and is inspired by live piano accompaniment from the Frankenstein score.


Dance Educator Claire Sheridan established the dance program at St. Mary’s College of California and is the founder of LEAP, a national Bachelor of Arts program specifically designed for professional dancers. She has extensive international experience as a teacher and choreographer at The Saint Petersburg Conservatory (Russia), Cambridge University (England), Charles University (Prague) among many others. She has been a Dance Educator for the San Francisco Ballet since 2007.

Faculty Cecelia Beam teaches Adult Ballet and Dance Classes for People with Parkinson’s at SF Ballet School. Originally from the Bay Area Cecelia studied, danced, and taught in the Bay Area, New York, North Carolina and Indiana. She has an MS in Ballet from Indiana University.

Pianist Geoffrey Lee is based in the SF Bay Area who's always looking to share his music whether it is as a collaborator, soloist or teacher. He received his Master's in piano performance from Professor Sharon Mann at the SF Conservatory of Music and has been an accompanist for the SF Ballet and SF Opera since.

Connect: San Francisco Ballet - Website | San Francisco Ballet - Instagram | San Francisco Ballet - Twitter | San Francisco Ballet - Facebook


Photo credit: Wei Wang as the Creature in Scarlett's Frankenstein // © San Francisco Ballet, photo by RJ Muna


This April, San Francisco Public Library celebrates 100 years of Surrealism with film screenings, displays, curated book lists and special events.

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Learn from world-class designers, artists and experts in their fields. 



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