Film: Folk Music of the Sahara

Among the Tuareg of Libya
星期六, 4/5/2025
3:30 - 4:30
Golden Gate Valley Meeting Room
Golden Gate Valley

1801 Green Street
San Francisco, CA 94123

Contact Telephone

An intoxicating experience of sight and sound captured among the Tuareg and Libyan people of North Central Africa. Filmed from the perspective of actually being one of the performers, this mind-blowing IN YOUR FACE document captures the spirit of Libyan folklore and the essence of emotion armed with pounding rhythms and wailing vocal choruses. Both men and women are featured here equally as overseers of the hybrid forms of expression where central African traditions collide with the tones and colors of the Arab world creating one of the most unique overviews of Saharan folk music ensemble and dance the outside world has ever witnessed. If you ever wondered where some of western music’s more exotic ideas originated from (Sun Ra Arkestra's call and response choruses, trance drumming, and even some forms of modern hip-hop) this is a great place to start! Directed by Hisham Mayet. 

NR, 60 min., 2004. No narration. 

This program made possible with kind permission from Sublime Frequencies. 

Space limited. Seats available first come, first served. 

Watch party and film discussions. 

This program honors the diverse cultures, traditions and histories of Southwest Asian and North African heritage.



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