BookFlix by Scholastic
SERVICE CHANGE: BookFlix has been discontinued. For related materials, please see Hoopla Digital Kids.

Libby by OverDrive
Libby by OverDrive offers thousands of eBooks and eAudiobooks for children in English, Chinese, Spanish and Russian. Get the Libby by OverDrive app or access content in your web browser.

Boundless eBooks & eAudiobooks
Boundless features a wide selection of children's picture stories, chapter books and more. Get the Boundless app for Android, iOS and Kindle Fire devices or access content in your web browser.
Hoopla Digital
Access movies, TV shows, music, comic books, audiobooks, and newly released titles from the New York Times best seller with portable devices including smartphones and tablets as well as conventional computers. Check our FAQ for software requirements and other details.
Kanopy Kids Videos
Stream educational and enriching videos for children of all ages with the Kanopy app on smartphones, tablets, and computers.

eBook Central by ProQuest
Credible content from authoritative sources, including University Presses and other top publishers. (Grades 9+)