
Celebration: Las Posadas presents Chocolate tasting with music

星期二, 12/10/2024
5:00 - 6:00
Excelsior General Floor Area

4400 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94112

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Celebrate Excelsior's posada with:

  • a hot chocolate tasting and 
  • a chamber concert featuring San Francisco Symphony musicians Anne Richardson and Chen Zhao performing classical pieces from various composers and sharing their experiences as members of the San Francisco Symphony. 

This event is open to all library patrons.

Music is brought to you by the San Francisco Symphony’s Community Chamber Concert program.


Celebra la posada de la Biblioteca Excelsior.

  • Prueba chocolate caliente y 
  • escucha un concierto de cámara con los músicos Anne Richardson y Chen Zhao de la Sinfónica de San Francisco, quienes tocarán piezas de varios compositores y compartirán su experiencia como miembros de la Sinfónica. 

Este evento está abierto a todas las edades.

La música es presentada por el Programa de conciertos de cámara comunitarios de la Sinfónica de San Francisco.


Posadas are a December holiday celebrations that take place in México, El Salvador, Honduras and Spain. They have evolved into a yearly celebration that schools, neighborhoods and work companies can celebrate. The idea is that 1 person or group throws a party and the next day, some else continues. For the library, the idea is to have libraries with Spanish collections to host a posada and move the festivities from one branch to another.

Las Posadas se celebran en México, El Salvador, Honduras y España en diciembre. Las fiestas han evolucionado a ser celebraciones anuales donde escuelas, vecindarios y compañías puedan festejar. La idea es que una persona o grupo hace una fiesta y al otro día alguien más la continúa. Para la Biblioteca de San Francisco la idea es que cada una de sus sucursales con colecciones en Español sean anfitriones de una posada.

Connect with your community through Library gatherings.

Enjoy performances, talks and workshops that celebrate movement and the musical arts.

Connect to engaging discussions and performances related to the Latinx community.

¡VIVA! at the Library is a celebration of Latinx heritage, cultures and traditions. San Francisco has a rich Latinx heritage that is highlighted in a diverse array of exciting programs for all ages, from Spanish/bilingual storytimes to cooking classes, author talks to art and cultural presentations.

Discover new flavors, build cooking skills and try something tasty. For food programs, please be aware of food allergies.



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