Library Volunteer Opportunities
- 2024-25 School Year Youth Volunteer Applications opened in September 2024. Contact your local branch to learn about their application process.
- Next year's Summer Youth Volunteer Applications will open April 21, 2025.
FOG (Free Orton-Gillingham) Readers is a remedial reading program with a rigorous structured curriculum provided by San Francisco Public Library to help struggling readers in Grades 1-4 with trained tutors. All tutors go through at least seven hours of training and one-time fingerprinting (at no cost to the volunteer). SFPL will prepare you to be an effective literacy tutor as well as provide follow-up help. FOG Readers accepts select volunteers aged 15 and up who can meet the following requirements:
- a minimum of a 6-month commitment to meeting once a week, every week (except holidays & when sick, of course) with your elementary school student
- the ability to communicate with staff and your student's family reliably and independently (without your parent or guardian's assistance) by email and phone
- the ability to follow a detailed and rigorous curriculum and file monthly reports on progress
- weekly meetings usually last around 1 hour, in the late afternoon/early evening on weekdays or on the weekends
- complete 7-8 hours of training
- spend around 1 hour of preparation before each weekly meeting
- fingerprinting for a background check, which requires a SSN. If you do not have a California State-issued ID (note: passports are Federal; this must be a California driver's license or California ID), a parent or guardian must come to your fingerprinting and bring additional ID.
If you are committed to taking on this difficult and important work, please fill out the FOG Readers Volunteer Tutor Interest Form. Once you submit that form, you will receive a reply with information on how to register for the next training (held March 15 & 22, 2025).
Paid City Jobs for Teens
- Youth Engaged in Library Leadership (YELL)
- A paid workforce development program designed for older teens that requires a weekly commitment over the summer. Interns work collaboratively with local librarians and assist with content creation, support STEM and literacy activities and develop project-based youth led events. Applications will open in March 2025. Learn about the requirements and how to apply.
- MYEEP | Mayor’s Youth Employment and Education Program
- Workforce development to youth in San Francisco for ages 14–17.
- OFA | Opportunities for All
- Internships, mentorship, and pathways to employment for ages 13–24.
- SFYW | San Francisco YouthWorks
- Paid work experience in San Francisco City Government Departments for 11th and 12th graders.
- Rec & Park Workreation
- Paid work experience for students ages 14-17. Assignments are in various neighborhood park and recreation center locations and include leading activities such as arts and crafts, sports, cooking, gardening, facility support and so much more. The basic work week schedule is Monday through Friday or Tuesday through Saturday and up to 10 hours weekly. Schedules will vary depending on the assignment and may include evenings and weekends. Check back on their website for Summer 2025 application link.
Additional Paid/Stipend Opportunities
High School Explainer - ages 15 -18 (for students in traditional and alternative high school programs), offers a unique work-based educational enrichment program.
Apply here or find information here.High School Explainer: PACE Program (Professional Advancement & Career Exposure) - ages 17-21, provides museum work experience.
Apply here or find information here.Applications for both Explainer & Explainer PACE programs are open: March 1 to April 7.
California Academy of Sciences
Careers in Science Interns learn about science through interactive trainings, workshops, and project groups; teach science to diverse audiences; and, conduct scientific field research and data analysis with Academy experts. This is a year-round commitment that requires interns to:
--Work 5-10 hours per week during the school year and 10-16 hours per week in the summer
--Attend New Intern Orientation (June 9-12, 2025 from 10:00am-3:00pm)
--Attend Wednesday trainings every week in the summer (1:00-3:00pm)
--Attend Wednesday trainings every other week during the school year (4:30-6:30pm)
--Work up to 2 days per week after school (4:30-6:30pm) and on Saturdays (10:00am-3:30pm) during the school year
--Attend an overnight, multi-day trip during SFUSD Spring BreakApplications are open through 11:59pm, April 1, and select applicants will be invited to an in-person event on April 19.
City & County Of San Francisco Volunteer Opportunities
- San Francisco Youth Commission
The Youth Commission is a body of 17 San Francisco youth, ages 12-23, responsible for advising the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor on policies and laws relating to young people. RSVP to Informational Events here. This year's applications open March 28-April 30. - Recreation & Parks Volunteer Programs
Most individual opportunities are for Park Volunteers with seasonal opportunities under Youth Stewardship and Greenagers (has stipend), and classroom volunteering field trips at The Ecocenter. See the Parks Volunteer Calendar for habitat restoration, gardening, and "cleaning & greening" work party dates and sign up. - The Randall Museum
- Public Works
- Animal Care & Control (ages 12-17 must serve with parent or legal guardian)
Bay Area Volunteer Opportunities
SF-Marin Food Bank
Offers online sign up for shifts at warehouse and pop-up pantries, among other opportunities. Click on heading for more information.
826 Valencia
826 Valencia is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students ages six to eighteen with their creative and expository writing skills. They welcome high school juniors and seniors to tutor in our After-School Programs each semester. If you’re interested in tutoring younger students, gaining professional experience, or looking for a place to volunteer as part of a community service or work placement program, email them here.