活动: 探索旧金山唐人街

Activity: Explore San Francisco Chinatown
星期日, 3/30/2025
2:00 - 4:00
Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco

750 Kearny St.
3rd Floor
San Francisco , CA 94108


集合地点: 在花园角电梯对面集合,华盛顿街(Washington St.)介于坚尼街(Kearney St.)和都板街(Grant Ave.)之间。 名额有限,需预约: 请点击线上注册

此活动与San Francisco City Guides合作。

Step into the heart of San Francisco Chinatown on this walking tour celebrating its rich history and cultural resilience. From the Gold Rush to the legacy of Sun Yat-sen, uncover stories of struggle, survival, and innovation. Explore landmarks like Portsmouth Square, syncretic architecture, and community hubs that embody the blending of Chinese and American traditions. Led by a knowledgeable guide with personal ties to the neighborhood, this tour offers a unique lens into Chinatown’s enduring legacy and vibrant spirit. The tour will be given in Mandarin. Please arrive at the meeting point by 2:00 PM. Latecomers may not be accommodated.

Meet across from the elevators in Portsmouth Square, Washington between Kearney and Grant. Space is limited. Reservations required: click online registration  

A partnership with San Francisco City Guides.

Build connections with others in our local programs.

Learn more about local history.

活動以粵語進行 Program in Cantonese 活動以國語進行 Program in Mandarin



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