Checklist of Type Specimens

The majority of items on this list are monographs along with a few of the more important single sheet items included. The list is arranged primarily by the name of the author or foundry or printing establishment which produced the specimen; in a few instances, the designer's name is used. Author, title, date, and location information will help us locate materials of interest to you. In addition to the items listed below, we hold a large number of specimen sheets and booklets for individual faces and foundries.

We are currently cataloging the type specimens; please check the online catalog.

A   B   C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



  • Allbut & Daniel. Specimens of Printing Types, Used in the Offices of Allbut & Daniel, Lithographic and Letterpress Printers. Hanley, 1892.
  • American Book-Stratford Press. Type Faces at the American Book-Stratford Press Incorporated. 2 vols. NY: 1938.
  • American Type Founders. A Book of Modernage and Classical Type Faces. A Timely Presentation of Original and Distinctive Creations in Type Faces and Typographic Material, All of Which Will Be Quickly Recognized as most Important Factors in the Achievement of Better-Class Printing and Advertising both Here and Abroad. American Type Founders Co., 1936.
  • American Type Founders. A Composite Showing of Goudy Types: A Pamphlet Supplementing the Specimen Book of 1923 Showing Important Additions to the Goudy Family . American Type Founders Co., 1927.
  • American Type Founders. American Line Type Book. Borders, Ornaments. Price List, Printing Material and Machinery. American Type Founders Co., 1906.
  • American Type Founders. American Specimen Book of Type Styles. Complete Catalogue of Printing Machinery and Printing Supplies. Originator of Type Fashions. American Type Founders Co., 1912.
  • American Type Founders. American Type Fashions, Being a Few Specimens of Modern Types Originated by American Type Founders Company. 1897.
  • American Type Founders. Book of American Types. ATF Standard Faces. Jersey City: American Type Founders Sales Corp., 1934.
  • American Type Founders. Desk Book of Type Specimens, Borders, Ornaments, Brass Rules and Cuts. Catalogue of Printing Machinery and Printers' Supplies . American Type Founders, 1900.
  • American Type Founders. Pacific Coast Blue Book, Containing Specimens of Type, Printing Machinery, Printing Material. SF & Portland: 1896. (Contains MacKellar's poem, "Printer! Spare the Book.")
  • American Type Founders. Specimen Book and Catalogue 1923. Dedicated to the Typographic Art. American Type Founders, 1923.
  • American Type Founders. Specimen Book of American Line Type Faces. American Point Line, Point Body and Point Set. American Type Founders Co., 1903.
  • American Type Founders. Specimens and Price List of Brass Type, Borders, Ornaments and Brass Rule for the Use of Bookbinders, Boxmakers and Advertising Manufacturers . American Type Founders Co., 1907.
  • American Type Founders. Specimens of Type, Ornaments and Borders, Brass Rules and Dashes, Business Cuts, Society Emblems, Initial Letters, Card and Billhead Logotypes, Newspaper Headings, Check Lines, and other Materials Necessary in the Printing Office. American Type Founders Co., 1896.
  • Angelica Press. Grastorf, Dennis J. Wood Type of The Angelica Press. Brooklyn: 1975.
  • Aston. A Specimen of Types & Ornaments, Used in the Printing-Office of Joseph Aston. Manchester: 1808.


  • Balston, Thomas. The Cambridge University Press Collection of Private Press Types, Kelmscott, Ashendene, Eragny, Cranach. 1951. (Inscribed by Adrian Wilson to Bob & Jane Grabhorn.)
  • Baltimore Type. Convenient Specimen Book of Type, Rules, Borders, and Electrotype Cuts from the Baltimore Type Foundry. Baltimore: Chas. J. Clary & Co., 1888. Banta Book of Types & Typographical Tips. Menasha: George Banta, 1961.
  • Barnes, A Specimen of Types Actively in Use in the Composing Room of the Barnes Press, Incorporated. NY: 1931.
  • Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Book of Type Specimens, Comprising a Large Variety of Superior Copper-Mixed Types, Rules, Borders, Galleys, Printing Presses, Electric-Welded Chases, Paper and Card Cutters, Wood Goods, Bookbinding Machinery, Etc., Together with Valuable Information to the Craft. Specimen Book No. 9. Chicago: Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, 1907.
  • Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Catalog 25-A: Type Faces, Border Designs, Typecast Ornaments, Brass Rule. Selective Specimens of Preferred Materials for Modern Typography. Superior Specialties for Printers. Chicago: Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, 1925.
  • Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Great Western Type Foundry. Pony Specimen Book and Price List from Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Incorporated, Manufacturers of Superior Copper-Mixed Type. Comprising a Large Variety of Types, Rules, Borders, Printing Presses, Paper and Card Cutters, Bookbinding Machinery, Etc., Together with Valuable Information to the Craft. Chicago: Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, 1898.
  • Barnhart Bros. & Spindler. Preferred Type Faces. Book Number 10. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, 1912.
  • Barth. Pacis annis MDCCCXIV et MDCCCXV foederatis armis restitutae monumentum orbis terrarum de fortuna reduce gaudia gentium linguis interpretans principibus piis felicibus augustis populisque victoribus liberatoribus liberatis dicatum. Curante Johanne Augusto Barth. Vratislaviae: Typis Grasii Barthii et Comp., 1818.
  • Bauer. Schriftgiesserei Bauer & Cie. Stuttgart. Gesamt-Probe. Stuttgart: Hoffmannsche Buchdruckerei, ca. 1889.
  • Bauer. Schriftgiesserei Bauer & Comp. Gesammt-Probe unserer Schriften, Initialen, Ornamenten, Einfassungen, Vignetten etc. etc. Stuttgart & Dusseldorf: 1895.
  • Bauer. Specimen Book of Bauer Types. NY: Bauer Type Foundry, ca. 1930.
  • Berthold. H. Berthold Schriftgiessereien und Messinglinien-Fabriken Aktien-Gesellschaft. Berlin, etc.: 1924. (Specimens of Hebrew types.)
  • Berthold-Schriften. Stuttgart: H. Berthold, 1960.
  • Binny & Ronaldson. The Specimen Books of Binny and Ronaldson 1809-1812 in Facsimile. Connecticut: The Columbiad Club, 1936.
  • (Bodoni) Fregi e Majuscole incise e fuse da Giambattista Bodoni, Direttore della Stamperia Reale. A Parma, Nella Stamperia Stessa 1771. Firenze: L. Gonnelli e Figli, 1929.
  • Bodoni. Manuale tipografico del cavaliere Giambattista Bodoni. 2 vols. Parma: Presso la Vedova, 1818.
  • Bodoni. Pel solenne battesimo di S. A. R. Ludovico principe primogenito di Parma tenuto al sacro fonte da sua maestà cristianissima e dalla real principessa delle asturie. Iscrizioni esotiche a caratteri novellamente incisi e fusi. 1774.
  • Bodoni. Saggio di Caratteri di Giambatista Bodoni, Sinora non Pubblicati. Firenze: Luigi Gonnelli & Figli, 1929.
  • Boston Type. Specimen Book from the Boston Type Foundry. Containing also a Complete Price List of Printing Material. Boston: 1892.
  • Boston Type. Specimen of Modern Printing Types, Cast at the Letter Foundry of the Boston Type and Stereotype Company. Boston: Dutton & Wentworth, 1837.
  • Bradbury, Agnew. Specimens of Book and Display Types, Ornamental Borders, Initials, Head & Tail Pieces, Arms, Etc. London: Bradbury, Agnew & Co., and Whitefriars Press, 1900.
  • Bresnan. Specimen Book of Type, Brass Rule and Printers' Material. NY: P. H. Bresnan, 1896.
  • Brill. Het gebed des heeren, in veertien talen. Strekkende tot proeve van letters, van het gewoon Europeesch karakter afwijkende, aanwezig ter boekdrukkerij van E. J. Brill, goekhandelaar en akademiedrukker. Leyden: 1855.
  • Bruce. Specimens of Printing Types Made at Bruce's New-York Type-Foundry. NY: George Bruce's Son & Co., 1882.
  • Bruce's New York Type Foundry. Type, Borders, Rules, Circles, Ovals, Leads, Slugs, Etc., Etc. Specimens for Printers. NY: V. B. Munson, successor to Geo. Bruce's Son & Co., 1900.


  • Cambridge University. Oriental Founts Available for Book Composition at the University Press, Cambridge. 1933.
  • Caslon Old Face Roman & Italic cast entirely from matrices produced from the original punches engraved in the early part of the eighteenth century in Chiswell Street, London. London: H. W. Caslon & Co., 1924. (Wilder Bentley the Elder's copy, with tipped-in ten-line poem, "Lines on the Specimen Book of Caslon Old Face . . .", written on the occasion of his donating the book to SFPL.)
  • Caslon, Fry, Wilson. A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty [and] A Specimen of Printing Types, by Joseph Fry and Sons, Letter-Founders, Worship-Street, Moorfields, London, 1785 [and] A Specimen of Printing Types. . . . cast in the Letter Foundery of Dr. Alex. Wilson and Sons. Glasgow. 1783. These specimen sheets, along with the article on printing which they illustrate, are from Ephraim Chambers' Cyclopaedia: or, An universal dictionary of arts and sciences . . . . London: 1786.
  • Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types, by W. Caslon and Son, Letter-Founders to the King. London: C. Whittingham, 1803. (In this copy, the words "and Son" have been marked through in ink, and the words "Junr. & Co." have been added in manuscript. Likewise, the period following "King" has been changed to a comma and the words "Salisbury Square" added in manuscript.)
  • Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to His Majesty. London: Galabin & Baker, 1785.
  • Caslon. A Specimen of Printing Types, by William Caslon, Letter-Founder to his Majesty. Caslon, n.d. Folio sheets, disbound.
  • Caslon. Select Specimen of Book and Newspaper Founts of the Caslon and Glasgow Letter Foundries. London: H. W. Caslon & Co., 1850.
  • Caslon. Specimens of Types & Borders and Illustrated Catalogue of Printers' Joinery and Materials. London: H. W. Caslon & Co. Ltd., 1924.
  • Caslon (wood type) Specimen of Wood Letter Founts Plain, Ornamental, and Double-Working, supplied by H. W. Caslon & Co. Letter Founders. London: [1857?].
  • Cauderon. Spécimens des encres d’imprimerie de Émile Cauderon et Cie. Paris: Typographie Lahure, 1876.
  • Curwen Press Miscellany. London: Soncino Press, 1931.


  • Davison. New Specimen of Cast-Metal Ornaments and Wood Types, Sold by W. Davison. Alnwick: 1840.
  • Davy. Specimen of Type &c. in use by J. Davy & Sons at the Dryden Press. London: 1898.
  • De Vinne. The Roman and Italic Printing Types in the Printing House of Theodore L. De Vinne & Co. New-York: De Vinne Press, 1891.
  • De Vinne. Types of the De Vinne Press. Specimens for the Use of Compositors, Proofreaders and Publishers. NY: De Vinne Press, 1907.
  • Deberny & Peignot. Premières Épreuves du Caractère Peignot dessiné par A. M. Cassandre. Paris: 1937. No. 41 of 50 copies; printed for Edwin Grabhorn.
  • Deberny. Fonderie Deberny & Cie, Tuleu & Girard, Srs. Le livret typographique. Spécimen de caractères. Paris: Fonderie de caractères d’imprimerie, 1920.
  • Deberny. La série No 16 des caractères ordinaires de la fonderie Deberny & Cie. Têtes-de-page—culs-de-lampe, initiales. Paris: Fonderie de caractères d’imprimerie de Deberny & Cie., 1894.
  • Deberny. Le livret typographique. Spécimen de caractères. Paris: Fonderie de caractères d’imprimerie, 1912. Delacolonge. Les caracteres et les vignettes de la fonderie du sieur Delacolonge. Lyon: 1773.
  • Deschamps, graveur pour tout ce qui concerne la Typographie. Fonderie de vignettes et ornements typographiques de Deschamps et compagnie. [Paris]: 1839. Single sheet, printed one side only, frenchfold.
  • Didot. Recueil des vignettes et fleurons gravés sur cuivre et acier et polytypés par C. Deschamps, graveur, Grande-Rue-Saint-Marcel, No. 4 a Saint-Denis. Paris: Imprimerie de Jules Didot ainé, 1827.
  • Didot. Specimen des caractères de la fonderie normale à Bruxelles, provenant de la fonderie de Jules Didot et de son père Pierre Didot. Haarlem: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1914.
  • Didot. Specimen des nouveaux caractères de la fonderie et de l’imprimerie de P. Didot, l’ainé, chevalier de l’ordre royal de Saint-Michel, imprimeur du roi et de la chambre des pairs. Paris: Didot, 1819.
  • Dreyfus, John, ed. Type Specimen Facsimiles. Reproductions of fifteen type specimen sheets issued between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries . London: Bowes & Bowes, Putnam, 1963.
  • Drugulin. Die Schriften der Offizin W. Drugulin. Erster Teil: Werkschriften. Leipzig: 1927.
  • Ducloz. Imprimerie chromotypographique de F. Ducloz a Moutiers-Tarentaise. Specimen. Savoie: 1902.
  • Durouchail. Épreuves de divers ornemens typographiques, gravés sur bois et polytypés, de la collection de P. Durouchail . . . . Paris: l’Imprimerie Royale, 1817.


  • Enschedé. A Selection of Types from Six Centuries in Use at the Office of Joh. Enschedé en Zonen at Haarlem, Holland. Dedicated to the Friends of the House. 1930.
  • Enschedé. Het middeleeuwsche Gezang Dies est Laetitiae gedrukt met in zand gegoten letters. Haarlem: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, [1927]. (Hymn printed from type cast in sand.)
  • Enschedé. Letterproef van Oostersche Schriften uit de Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschedé & Zonen te Haarlem. ca.1907.
  • Enschedé. Proef van letteren, Welke gegooten worden in de Nieuwe Haerlemsche Lettergietery van J. Enschedé. Harlem: 1768. (2 copies; c. 1 with mss note at frontis.: "Ex dono Dom. Enschedé. m. Febr. 1776.")
  • Enschedé Proef. Van Nederduitsche letters en Gothische Initialen uit de XVde Eeuw—Spécimen de caractères Flamands et d’initiales gothiques du XVme siècle—Probe Niederdeutscher Schriften und Gothischer Initialen aus dem Xvten Jahrhundert—Specimen of Dutch Black-Letters and Gothic Initials of the XVth Century. Haarlem: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1925.
  • Enschedé. Proeve van drukletteren. Harlem: Lettergieterij van Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1841.
  • Enschedé. Proeve van letteren, welke gegoten worden in de Haarlemsche lettergietery van Joh. Enschedé en Zoonen. 1806.
  • Enschedé. Proeven, voortspruitende uit de eerste oprigting eener Javaansche Drukkerij, naar het Ontwerp van P. van Ulissingen, en onder deszelfs toezigt ter lettergieterij van Joh. Enschedé te Haarlem vervaardigd. Épreuves d’une première Imprimerie Javanaise, dont les caractères ont été confectionnés, d’après le projet et sous la direction de P. van Ulissingen, a la fonderie de Jean Enschedé et fils a Harlem. Harlem: chez Jean Enschedé et fils, 1824.
  • Enschedé. Spécimen des Lettres françoises dites Caractères de Civilité des XVIme et XVIIme Siècles dans la Collection Typographique de Joh. Enschedé en Zonen. Haarlem: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1926.
  • Ernesti, J. H. G. Die wol-eingerichtete Büchdrückerij, mit hundert und achtzehen Teutsch-Lateinisch-Griechisch- und Hebräischen Schrifften, vieler fremden Sprachen Alphabeten, musicalischen Noten, Calender-Zeichen, und Medicinischen Characteren . . . . Nuremberg: Johann Andreä Endters seel. Sohn und Erben, 1721.


  • Farmer, Little. The Reduced Price List and Latest Specimens of Printing Types Etc. (In an Abridged Form.) Cast by Farmer, Little & Co., Type Founders. NY: 1882.
  • Farmer. Specimens from the A. D. Farmer & Son Type Founding Co. Including Book, Newspaper and Jobbing Type, Brass Borders and Rules, with Complete Price List, &c. NY: 1897. (The frontispiece states "Not in the Type Trust.")
  • Fell Types. A Specimen of the Several Sorts of Letter Given to the University by Dr. John Fell, Oxford, 1693. The first English Type Specimen Book, reproduced in collotype facsimile from the most perfect copy known; with an Introduction, Census and Handlist. London: James Tregaskis & Son, 1928.
  • Fell Types. "Superpower Carl." In Works of H. Davenport, Vol. III. A specimen of the Fell type by Bruce Rogers. Oxford: OUP, 1933.
  • Figgins. Epitome of Specimens by V. & J. Figgins. London: 1866. TypRef F [1866] Figgins
  • Figgins. Vincent Figgins Type Specimens 1801 and 1815. Reproduced in facsimile. Edited with an introduction and notes by Bernard Wolpe. London: Printing Historical Society, [1967]. Publication No. 4. TypRef 1967 Figgins
  • Figgins, see also Stevens.
  • Fournier, Pierre Simon. Les caractères de l’imprimerie. Paris: Fournier le jeune, 1764.
  • Fry & Steele. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Fry and Steele, Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales, Type-Street. London: T. Rickaby, 1794.
  • Fry, Edmund. Pantographia; Containing Accurate Copies of All the Known Alphabets in the World; Together with an English Explanation of the Peculiar Force or Power of Each Letter: To Which Are Added, Specimens of All Well-Authenticated Oral Languages; Forming a Comprehensive Digest of Phonology . London: Cooper & Wilson, 1799.
  • Fry. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Edmund Fry and Co. Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales. London: 1788.
  • Fry. A Specimen of Printing Types, by Joseph Fry and Sons, Letter-Founders to the Prince of Wales. London: 1786.
  • Fry. Specimen of Modern Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter Founder to the King, Type Street. London: 1824.
  • Fry. Specimen of Printing Types, by Edmund Fry, Letter Founder to the King, and Prince Regent, Type Street. London: 1816.
  • Fry, see also Caslon, Fry, Wilson.


  • Gando. Specimen des caractères de la fonderie de N. P. Gando à Paris et de son fils Th. S. Gando à Bruxelles. Haarlem: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen, 1917.
  • Gauthier. Épreuves de quelques caractères de la fonderie de Gauthier Frère & Besançon, Typographie de L. Gauthier, 1835.
  • Gillé, J. Armorial du royaume de France, ou Recueil d’armes, ecussons, fleurons de la famille royale, de la noblesse de France et des armoiries de nos différentes villes. Cette collection gravée sur cuivre ou bois, est politypée en métal, et se multiplie avec célérité. Paris: chez Gillé 1814. Price list tipped-in at rear.
  • Gillé. Caractères de la fonderie de J. Gillé, graveur et fondeur du roi pour les Caractères de l’Imprimerie de la Loterie Royale de France, & autres. Paris: 1778.
  • Gillé. Épreuves des vignettes et fleurons gravée sur bois en politypés, des fonderie et imprimerie de Gillé. Paris: de l’Imprimerie de Gillé fils. Paris: de l’Imprimerie de Gillé fils, 1808. Folio sheets, disbound.
  • Goudy. ΓΟΥΔΑΙΟΙΥΠΟΙ; Goudy Greek. Pennyroyal, 1976.
  • Grand Imprimerie de Troyes. Caractères usuels. 1920s? (Balzac's Droll Stories presented as a type specimen.)
  • Griffin Bros. Type Faces: Linotype, Monotype, Lino Display, Makeup, Lockup, Rules, Leads and Slugs. American Foundry Type Specimens Shown in Our Red Catalogue . SF: Griffin Bros. Typesetters, 1937.


  • Haag-Drugulin. Nachtrag zur Schriftprobe der Offizin Haag-Drugulin AG . Leipzig: 1930.
  • Haag-Drugulin. Schriftproben der Offizin Haag-Drugulin A.-G . Leipzig: 1929.
  • Hagar. Selections from the Specimen Book of Hagar & Co . SF: 1869.
  • Hailing, Thomas. Specimens of General Printing . Cheltenham: "Oxford" Printing Works, 1882.
  • Hammer Creek. The Hammer Creek Press Type Specimen Book . NY: John Fass, 1954.
  • Hansen. Specimen Book of Type and Printing Material Manufactured by H. C. Hansen, Type Founder . Boston: 1903.
  • Harpel, Oscar H. Harpel's Typograph or Book of Specimens Containing Useful Information, Suggestions and a Collection of Examples of Letterpress Job Printing Arranged for the Assistance of Master Printers, Amateurs, Apprentices, and Others . Cincinnati: 1870.
  • Hawks & Shattuck's New Specimen Book and Price List of Types, Rules, Borders and Other Printing Material. SF: 1889.
  • Henry Linotyping. Type Book; This Same being intended as an aid to the Worker in Type who seeks proper guidance for his inspiration in the selection of suitable type faces possessing those characteristics of refinement which are most acceptable to good taste in letter-press work . Detroit: Thos. P. Henry Linotyping Co., 1922.
  • Hoffman, Richard J. A Gathering of Types: The printing types accumulated over several score years together with some notes on their origins and use . Van Nuys: Richard J. Hoffman, 1979.


  • Imprenta Real. Muestras de los punzones y matrices de la letra que se funde en el obrador de la Imprenta Real . Madrid: 1799.
  • Imprimerie Royale. Notice sur les types étrangers du spécimen de l’imprimerie royale. Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1847.
  • Imprimerie Royale. Spécimen typographique de l’Imprimerie Royale. Paris: 1845. No. 65 of [?] copies.
  • Inland Type. Specimen Book and Catalog. A Price List of Printer's Supplies, Showing Types and Rules in which Are Embodied all the Latest Ideas that Enable the Printer to Produce Superior Work in a most Economical Manner Among which Betterments May Be Especially Mentioned the Casting of Types on Standard Line and Unit Sets. St. Louis: Inland Type Foundry, 1897. (Bookplate of Carl and Margaret Rollins.)
  • Inland Type. Specimen Book and Catalog. A Price List of Printers' Supplies, Type, Rules and Accessories of the Very Latest Designs which Facilitate the Economical Production of Superior Printing. A Notable Improvement Is the Casting of All Type on Standard Line & Unit Sets. St. Louis: Inland Type Foundry, 1907.


  • Jahoda & Siegel. 75 Schriften gezeigt von der Offizin Jahoda & Siegel in Wien. 1937.
  • Jannon. The 1621 Specimen of Jean Jannon, Paris & Sedan, Designer & Engraver of the Caractères de l’Université, Now Owned by the Imprimerie Nationale, Paris. Edited in facsimile with an Introduction by Paul Beaujon, Paris. Edited in facsimile with an Introduction by Paul Beaujon. London: Printed at the Chiswick Press for Stanley Morison, 1927. (Beatrice Warde's copy; one of ten copies on handmade paper.)
  • Janson. Stauffacher, Jack. Janson: A Definitive Collection. SF: Greenwood, 1954.
  • Johnson, Henry Lewis. Printing Type Specimens: Standard and Modern Types, with notations on their characteristics and uses; a printing guide for printers, advertisers and students of printing. Boston: Graphic Arts Co., 1924.


  • Keystone. Keystone Products Catalogue and Specimen Book, Consisting of Type, Material, Furniture, Complete Line of Miscellaneous Supplies for Printers and Publishers, Machinery and Wood Goods. Keystone Type Foundry, 1915.
  • Keystone. Type; Nickel-Alloy on Universal Line. Comprising a Price List of Types, Borders, Leads and Slugs, Brass Rule, Brass Galleys, Miscellaneous Cuts and General Supplies for Printers. Abridged Specimen Book. Keystone Type Foundry, 1906.
  • Korean. McGovern, Melvin P. Specimen Pages of Korean Movable Type. Primary Edition. LA: Dawson's, 1966. (No. 23 of 95 copies of a total edition of 300.)


  • Lamesle, Claude. Épreuves générales des caracteres . . . . Paris: 1742.
  • Linotype Decorative Material: Borders, Rules, Dashes and Special Characters Produced on the Linotype. Brooklyn: Mergenthaler Linotype, 1937.
  • Linotype. Specimen Book, Linotype Faces. Brooklyn: Mergenthaler Linotype, 1939.
  • Linotype. The Manual of Linotype Typography, Prepared to aid Users and Producers of Printing in securing Greater Unity and Real Beauty in the Printed Page . Brooklyn: Mergenthaler Linotype Co., 1923.
  • Little & Ives. The J. J. Little Book of Types, Specimen Pages and Book Papers, with suggestions on book making and a glossary of printing and binding terms . NY: J. J. Little & Ives Co., 1923.
  • Luce, Louis. Épreuve du premier alphabeth droit et penche, ornée de quadres et de cartouches. L’Imprimerie Royale, 1740.


  • MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan. Printing Types Made by MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, Letter-Founders. Philadelphia: 1883.
  • MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan. Printing Types Made by the MacKellar, Smiths and Jordan Co. Letter-Founders. Philadelphia, 1886.
  • MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Cuts, Rules, &c. Philadelphia: 1871.
  • Mame. Imprimerie-librairie-reliure. Alfred Mame et Fils a Tours. Notice et specimens. Tours: Imprimerie Alfred Mame, 1867.
  • Merrymount Press Type Specimens. 1958?. Loose-leaf sheets in quarter-leather drop-spine box.
  • [Miller & Richard's Specimen Book and Price List.] London, 1895.
  • Monotype. A Specimen of Printing Letter Designed by John Baskerville about the Year MDCCLVII, Recut by The Lanston Monotype Corporation Limited for Use on the "Monotype." London: 1926.
  • Monotype. Fine Ornament & Decorative Material Available to "Monotype" Users. London: Lanston Monotype Corp. Ltd., 1924. (Bookplate of Jackson Burke.)
  • Monotype. Pastonchi, a Specimen of a new Letter for Use on the "Monotype." London: Lanston Monotype Corp., 1928. (Printed at the Officina Bodoni.)
  • Monotype. The Monotype Specimen Book of Type-Faces. A Complete Catalog of Matrices Made for Use with The Monotype Composing Machine Type & Rule Caster. Philadelphia: Lanston Monotype Machine Co., 1916.
  • Monsen. The Monsen Type Manual, Lithographed on the Offset Press. Chicago: Thormod Monsen & Son, Inc., 1929. (1933 price list laid in.)
  • Morgan Press Presents A First Showing of Wood Type Specimens . . . . Scarsdale: 1955.
  • Morgan Press Wood Type. Hastings-on-Hudson: 1964.
  • Mori, Gustav. Das Schriftgiessergewerbe in Frankfurt am Main und Offenbach. Frankfurt am Main: D. Stempel, 1926.
  • Müller. Epreuves lithographiques de C. F. Müller, Imprimeur-Libraire de la Cour à Carlsruhe. N.p., ca.1819. A specimen book showing lithographic letterhead, maps, business forms, etc.


  • Nebiolo. Campionario Caratteri e fregi tipografici; segni, filetti, numeri. Torino: Societè Nebiolo, 1956.
  • New England Type. Specimen of Printing Types from the New England Type Foundry. Boston: Dutton & Wentworth, 1834.
  • Nistri. Campione dei caratteri, fregi e vignette della tipografia dei fratelli Nistri. Pisa: 1839.


  • Pacific States Type Foundry Specimen Book and Price List of Printing Types Rules Borders Ornaments Machinery Tools and Supplies. SF: 1893.
  • Pacific States. [Handy Book of Specimens.] SF: Pacific States Type Foundry, 1899.
  • Pacific Type. Illustrated Price List and Specimens of Printing Type, Issued by the Pacific Type Foundry. SF: Marder, Luse & Co., 1876.
  • Page. Wood Type. Greeneville: Wm. H. Page & Co., 1872.
  • Painter & Co's Type-Foundry and Printers' Warehouse. Borders, Ornaments, and All Things Needful for Newspaper and Job Printing Offices. Agents for MacKellar, Smiths & Jordan, Philadelphia. SF: 1878.
  • Palmer & Rey's Fifth Revised Specimen Book and Price List of Printing Material. SF: 1892.
  • Palmer & Rey's Fourth Revised Specimen Book and Price List of Printing Material. SF: 1889.
  • Palmer & Rey's Third Revised Specimen Book and Price List of Printing Material. SF: 1887.
  • Phelps & Dalton. The General Specimen Book of the Dickinson Type Foundry, Comprising Types for Letter-Press Printing of Every Variety . Boston: Phelps & Dalton, 1856.
  • Phillips' Old-Fashioned Type Book. Showings, Alphabetical and Otherwise, of Approximately One Thousand Odd Fonts of Old-Fashioned, Exotic, Ancient and Antique Type Faces; Old-Time Printers' Ornaments, Borders, Cuts, &c; Many Old Specimens of Printing, Advertisements, Bills, Labels, &c.; Old Reprints of History & Other Interesting Data on Printing & Typography of Long Ago. NY: Frederic Nelson Phillips, 1945.
  • Pouchée. Ornamented Types. Twenty-Three Alphabets from the Foundry of Louis John Pouchée. 2 vols. [London]: I. M. Imprimit/St. Bride Printing Library, 1992/93.


  • Rand & Avery. Specimens. Boston: Geo. C. Rand & Avery, 1861.
  • Redfield-Kendrick-Odell. A Printed Exhibit of Bodoni Type with Appropriate Ornaments. Being the second series of books showing the many beautiful types in the composing rooms of Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co., Printers and Map Makers. NY: 1923.
  • Redfield-Kendrick-Odell. An Exhibit of Garamond Type with Appropriate Ornaments. Being the third of a series of books showing the many beautiful types in the composing rooms of Redfield-Kendrick-Odell Co., Printers & Map Makers. NY: 1927.
  • Rivadeneyra. Imprenta Sucesores de Rivadeneyra Muestrario. Madrid: 1907.


  • Schelter & Giesecke. Gesammelte Schriftproben und Satzbeispiele von J. G. Schelter & Giesecke. Leipzig: 1890.
  • Schelter & Giesecke. Hauptprobe J. G. Schelter & Giesecke, Leipzig. Vol. I. 1912.
  • Silbermann. Album d’impressions typographiques en couleur de l’imprimerie de G. Silbermann. Strasbourg: G. Silbermann, 1872. Chromolithographs.
  • Silbermann. Album typographique, publié a l’occasion de la quatrième fête séculaire de l’invention de l’imprimerie. Strasbourg: G. Silbermann, 1840.
  • Silver Buckle Press. Specimen Book of Wood Type from the collection of the Silver Buckle Press. Introduction by Rob Roy Kelly. Foreword by Stephen O. Saxe. Madison: Silver Buckle, 1999.
  • Southern New England. Type Specimen Book No. 6. New Haven: Southern New England Typographic Service, ca. 1945. (1949 supplement laid in.
  • Southworth-Anthoensen. A Specimen of Printing Types, Together with a Collection of Printer's Flowers. Portland: Southworth-Anthoensen, 1937.
  • Stempel. Jahrbuch der Schriftgiesserei. Frankfurt: D. Stempel, 1929.
  • Stempel. Spécimen abrégé de caractères, vignettes, ornements, et matériel en cuivre. Francfort-sur-le-Mein: Fonderie de caractères D. Stempel, 1915.
  • Stephenson, Blake. Printing Types, Borders, Initials, Electros, Brass Rules, Spacing Material. Sheffield: Stephenson, Blake & Co., 1934. (1936 price list laid in.)
  • Stevens. Specimen Book of Types by R. H. Stevens & Co., Successors to V. & J. Figgins, Type Founders, and Manufacturers of Printing Presses and Materials. London: 1907. (Revised 1907 price list bound in; bookplate of Lanston Monotype Co.) TypRef 1907 Stevens


  • Taylor & Taylor. Types, Borders and Miscellany of Taylor & Taylor, with Historical Brevities on Their Derivation and Use. SF: Taylor & Taylor, 1939. (No. 73 of 230 copies, in slipcase. Inscribed by E. D. Taylor to the Grabhorn Press.)
  • Tetterode. Amsterdamsche lettergieterij, v/h N. Tetterode. ca. 1897/98?
  • Tetterode. Ie Supplement op de Letterproef der Lettergieterij "Amsterdam" voorheen N. Tetterode te Amsterdam. Amsterdam: ca. 1900?
  • Tetterode. Tweede Supplement op de Letterproef der Lettergieterij "Amsterdam" voorheen N. Tetterode. Amsterdam: ca. 1900?
  • Todd. Some Specimens of Book Types from the Print Shop of Thomas Todd. Boston: 1902.
  • Trattner, Johann Thomas. Abdruck von denjenigen Röslein und Zierrathen, in der K. K. Hofschriftgiesserey bey Johann Thomas Trattern dermalen befinden; Nebst einer Probe, wei solche sowohl zu Anfangsbuchstaben, als Leisten und Finalien zusammen gesetz werden können... Vienna: Herbert Reichner, printed by Jahoda & Siegel, 1927 (Facsimile; one of 20 on handmade paper.)
  • Trow. Specimen Book of the Letterpress, Stereotype, Electrotype, and Wood-cut Printing Establishment of John F. Trow. NY: 1856.
  • [Type Faces and Specimens.] 1930. (A collection of nine specimen booklets bound together.)
  • [Type Faces and Specimens.] 1931. (A collection of seven specimen booklets bound together.)


  • United States Type Foundry. Specimens of Electrotype Cuts, Initials, Corners, Ornaments, Tints, Etc., Manufactured by James Conner's Sons, United States Type Foundry, New York City. Type, Brass Rule, Cabinets, Cases, Printers' Materials of Every Description. [NY]: James Conner's Sons, 1888.


  • Vatican. [15 pamphlets bound together; various titles.] Rome: Typis Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1629-1789.
  • Vatican. [Specimen of exotic types printed to honor the visit of King Gustav III of Sweden to the printing house.] Rome: Typis Sac. Congregationis de Propaganda Fide, 1784.
  • Vatican. Indice de caratteri, con l’inuentori, & nomi de essi, esistenti nella Stampa Vaticana, & Camerale. Rome, Stampa Vaticana & Camerale, 1628.
  • Vincent Figgins Type Specimens 1801 and 1815. Reproduced in Facsimile. Berthold Wolpe, ed. London: Printing Historical Society, 1967.


  • Warde, Frederic. Printers Ornaments Applied to the Composition of Decorative Borders, Panels and Patterns. London: Lanston Monotype Corp., 1928.
  • Williams. Specimens of Printing Types, Borders, Ornaments, etc. London: H. Williams & Son, 1908.
  • Wilson. Specimen of Modern Printing Types, Cast at the Letter Foundry of Alex. Wilson & Sons, Glasgow. 1833.
  • Wilson, see also Caslon, Fry, Wilson.
  • Wood & Sharwoods. The Specimen Book of Types Cast at the Austin Foundry. London: 1838.


  • Yale University Press. Specimens of Type in the Printing-Office of The Yale University Press. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1939.


  • Zabern. Das ABC Schrift- und Leistungsproben einer alten Mainzer Offizin. Mainz: Zaberndruck, 1931.
  • Zatta. Saggi dei caratteri, vignette e fregi della nuova fonderia di Antonio Zatta e figli. Venice: 1794.
  • Zeese. Specimens of Electrotypes Comprising Cuts, Borders, Initials, Ornaments, Etc. Chicago: A. Zeese & Co., 1891.