2:15 - 3:30
351 9th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118
United States
Celebrate the Lantern Festival and Lunar New Year with local artists, games, snacks, arts and crafts! This event is presented by the Chinese Cultural Learning Center/TCML in San Francisco.
1-1:20 TCML school award ceremony (pre-event ceremony for students and their families)
1:35-2:05 TCML student performance (pre-event participation for students and their families)
2:10 Fortune God Appearance
2:15 SF High School of the Arts Chinese dance performance (inside in the Program Room - limited seating available)
2:45 Guzheng performance by Fang Yi students (inside in the Program Room - limited seating available)
3:00-3:30 Dance by Helen Dance Academy (inside in the Program Room - limited seating available)
2:15-3:30 Interactive activities for the community - outside at 10th Avenue playground