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History of the Diva, Pt. 1
Tuesday, 3/25/2025
6:00 - 7:30
West Portal Children's Area
West Portal

190 Lenox Way
San Francisco, CA 94127
United States

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They portray gods and goddesses, countesses and courtesans. They command our attention, rule the stage and amaze us with their divine beauty of song. Where would opera be without its glorious divas? Join San Francisco Opera Scholar Cole Thomason-Redus for an exploration into the real-life and on-stage bigger-than-life characters we’ve come to love (and sometimes love to hate!) This 90-minute presentation is free to the public and open to all.

di·va (noun): 

  1. A famous female opera singer
  2. A self-important person who is temperamental and difficult to please
  3. Latin word for “goddess”