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tech week
Tutorial: Exploring Google Maps (in Cantonese)
Thursday, 5/15/2025
3:00 - 4:00
Visitacion Valley Meeting Room
Visitacion Valley

201 Leland Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94134
United States

Contact Telephone

介紹如何使用 NextBus 及公共交通應用程式,提供實時追蹤、路線規劃和提高通勤效率。名額布限, 請致電415-355-2848報名。

Learn how to use Google Maps for navigation, real-time traffic updates, and discovering nearby places. This workshop helps you make the most of Google Maps for everyday travel.

Space limited. Reservation required: 415-355-2848.

This program is part of SF Tech Week. 

Connect: Felton Tech Squad website.