10:00 - 11:45
150 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States
Kids, parents and youth educators will learn to write AI prompts to create their own coloring books in two back-to-back sessions (with a 15-minute break in-between):
- Session 1 (10 a.m.-10:45 a.m.): AI Prompts & Creating Coloring Book
- Session 2 (11 a.m.-11:45 a.m.): Assembling & Presenting
For children and their caregivers and youth educators. Space limited. Reservation required (415) 592-2766. Call, come in or arrive early on the day of the event to register.
This program is part of a full day of tech workshops at Tenderloin Tech Lab (150 Golden Gate Avenue).
Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL), a partnership between St. Anthony Foundation and San Francisco Network Ministries, is an accessible technology center, providing computer access and education to all.
Connect: Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL) – Website
St. Anthony's is a nonprofit social service organization in San Francisco, California.
Connect: St. Anthony's – Website | St. Anthony's – Facebook | St. Anthony's – YouTube | St. Anthony's – Instagram | St. Anthony's – LinkedIn
This event is part of SF Tech Week.