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tech week
Presented by Tenderloin Tech Lab at St. Anthony's
Saturday, 5/10/2025
3:00 - 3:45
Tenderloin Technology Lab

150 Golden Gate Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102
United States

Learn how to stay safe from scams and protect your online presence. Space limited.  Reservation required (415) 592-2766. Call, come in or arrive early on the day of the event to register.

This program is part of a full day of tech workshops at Tenderloin Tech Lab.

Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL), a partnership between St. Anthony Foundation and San Francisco Network Ministries, is an accessible technology center, providing computer access and education to all.

Connect: Tenderloin Technology Lab (TTL) – Website 

St. Anthony's is a nonprofit social service organization in San Francisco, California.

Connect: St. Anthony's –  Website | St. Anthony's –  Facebook | St. Anthony's –  YouTube St. Anthony's –  Instagram | St. Anthony's –  LinkedIn

This event is part of SF Tech Week.