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eBook Help

iOS devices

Downloading eBooks

If you have an iOS device such as an iPhone or iPad, you can use the following apps to download library ebooks for offline use:

* eAudiobooks also available from this service

Please visit eBooks Collections to see a full list of our eBook collections.


If you are having trouble signing into the above services, please review the following troubleshooting check list:

  • Downloaded compatible ebook format (e.g. EPUB, Boundless, Kindle) 
  • Latest version of iOS software
  • Latest version of app software
  • 14-digit library card number is active and entered without spaces
  • Library card PIN/password is correct
  • Internet connection is stable and turned on
  • Device has enough storage space to download content (particularly e-audiobook files, which can be large)

Systems Requirements

For specific system requirements, please see eBooks: System Requirements.